Figure 70-12
Monaghan 225 ventilator modified for use in a hyperbaric
chamber. A gas-mixing system with two ball rotameters has been added to provide
the inspired gas, which enters the ventilator through a conduit attached to the air
intake. The FIO2
setting has been permanently
set at 21% to force the ventilator to use the externally mixed gas as the breathing
gas. The FIO2
adjustment knob has been
removed. A 5-L reservoir bag is attached to the patient gas circuit. A reservoir
relief valve prevents overpressurization of the reservoir bag. A subambient pressure
relief valve allows entrainment of room air if insufficient gas is provided to the
reservoir bag. (From Moon RE, Bergquist LV, Conklin B, Miller JN: Monaghan
225 ventilator use under hyperbaric conditions. Chest 89:846, 1986.)