Figure 6-2 Effect of isoflurane (A) and sevoflurane (B) on porcine tracheal versus bronchial smooth muscle tension or inward Ca2+ current (ICa) through T-type and L-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCs). There were no differences in the inhibition of L-type VDCs. Both anesthetics had greater inhibitory effects on T-type VDCs in bronchial smooth muscle. Symbols represent the mean ± SD. *P < .05 versus 0 MAC. †P < .05 versus tracheal smooth muscle in A and †P < .05 versus L-type VDCs in B. (Adapted from Yamakage M, Chen X, Tsuijiguchi N, et al: Different inhibitory effects of volatile anesthetics on T- and L-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels in porcine tracheal and bronchial smooth muscles. Anesthesiology 94:683, 2001.)

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