P Wave
A complete electrocardiographic cycle, intervals, and segments
are shown in Figure 34-1
Under normal circumstances, the sinoatrial node has the most rapid spontaneous depolarization
rate and is therefore the dominant cardiac pacemaker ( Table
). From the sinoatrial node, the impulse spreads through the right
and left atria. Specialized tracts conduct the impulse to the atrioventricular node,
but they are not essential. The three selective inputs to the atrioventricular node
are the right superior "fast" pathway, the right superior "slow" pathway, and a left-sided
pathway that is less well characterized. On the ECG, depolarization of the atria
is represented by the P wave. The initial depolarization involves primarily the
right atrium and occurs predominantly in an anterior, inferior, and leftward direction.
Subsequently, it proceeds to the left atrium, located in a more posterior position.