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APPENDIX 1: Distance versus Time under Constant Acceleration: Equivalence of Potential and Kinetic Energy

Velocity v is the rate at which distance is changing; that is, it is the time derivative of distance:

v = dx/dt (1)

The variable v is written in boldface type to indicate that it is a vector: it has both magnitude and direction. Distance x is a vector pointing from the origin to the present location of the particle or object; it is called the "position vector." Time (t) is a scalar; it has magnitude but no direction and is therefore written in plain type. Acceleration (a) is the time rate of change of velocity. Thus, it is the time derivative of the velocity vector, or the second derivative of distance with respect to time.

a = dv/dt = (d/dt)(dx/dt) = d2 x/dt2 (2)

If an object starts with zero velocity (v = 0) at time zero (t = 0) and then accelerates with constant acceleration (a), its velocity at time t will be simply v = at. To calculate the distance traveled by the object between time t = 0 and time t, we must divide the time interval 0 to t into a series of very small intervals, each of time length dt. The distance traveled during the interval dt is simply the velocity at that time multiplied by the time interval:

dx = vdt = (at)dt (3)

In the second step, we have substituted the constant acceleration relationship v = at from above. Now to compute the total distance traveled, we must sum the distance from all of the small dt time intervals that occur between 0 and t.

x = σ(at)dt (4)

If we allow the length of the time interval dt to approach zero, the summation process becomes the integral with respect to time from time zero to time t.

Thus, an object starting from rest at t = 0 and moving with constant acceleration (a) will move a distance ½ at2 in time t. If this is a falling object (in a vacuum, where there is no air resistance), a = g = 9.8 m/sec2 , and the distance formula becomes

x = ½gt2 = (4.9)t2 (6)

In the first second the object falls 4.9 m; at the end of 2 seconds, it has fallen 19.6 m; after 3 seconds, 44.1 m; and so on. The kinetic energy (KE) of a moving object is

KE = ½mv2 (7)

where m is the mass of the object and v is the magnitude of its velocity (also called speed). Note that v used in this sense is in plain type, not boldface. Consider again the falling object that started at position x = 0 at time t = 0 and falls a distance h:

Because velocity v = at = gt, we have by substitution from Equation 8

The kinetic energy is given by

KE = ½mv2 = ½m(2gh) = mgh (10)

Now let us consider the work required to lift the fallen object back to its original height of h. Recall that work is defined as the force exerted times the distance over which the force acts: W = Fd. The force of gravity acting on our object is Fg = mg, so the work required to lift it the distance (h) back to x = 0 is

W = Fd = (mg)d = mgh (11)

Thus, the work required to restore the object equals the kinetic energy possessed by the object at the bottom of its fall, KE = W = mgh. When we lift the object from x = h back to x = 0, we have increased its potential energy (PE) by the amount mgh. This potential energy can be converted to kinetic energy by allowing the object to fall the distance h. This type of potential energy, called gravitational potential, has a value that clearly depends on where we locate the origin of our coordinates, x = 0. However, it is the change in potential energy, not its absolute value, that the potential energy/kinetic energy balances:

ΔKE = −ΔPE (12)

The change in kinetic energy is equal to and of opposite sign to the change in potential energy.

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