Dantrolene is the drug of choice for preventing and reversing
the symptoms of MH. Dantrolene sodium is a hydantoin derivative (1-[[[5-(4-nitrophenyl)-2-furanyl]methylene]imino]-2,4-imidazolidinedione)
that relaxes but does not totally paralyze skeletal muscle. These properties of
dantrolene have been closely correlated with its ability to reduce Ca2+
efflux from SR in vitro. Dantrolene (20 µM) counteracts the effect of reduced
inhibition in MH-affected muscle.[38]
Caffeine contractures induced after K+
conditioning of porcine skeletal
muscle were found to render muscles refractory to brief electrical stimulation, but
there was still an enhancement of contracture tension elicited by subsequent direct
caffeine stimulation of SR calcium release. This enhanced sensitivity to caffeine
was inhibited by dantrolene (20 µM) and its water-soluble analog azumolene
(150 µM).
Preparations of skeletal SR membrane vesicles have been used to
examine the ability of dantrolene to alter Ca2+
fluxes. Dantrolene (10
to 90 µM) was shown to inhibit SR Ca2+
release, especially when
assayed in the presence of caffeine and adenine nucleotide. Later, depolarization-induced
release, measured from triadic vesicles by use of a stopped-flow
apparatus and fura-2, was shown to be inhibited by dantrolene.[40]
However, the exact mechanism by which dantrolene induces muscle relaxation is unclear,
and some results have been conflicting. For example, halothane-activated RYR1 from
frog skeletal muscle was unaffected by concentrations of dantrolene as high as 100
µM, whereas single-channel studies with porcine and human RYR1 revealed a biphasic
action of dantrolene: channel activation at low (0.5 to 2 nM) concentrations and
channel inhibition at a higher (5 µM) concentration. Species variability may
in part account for this difference.
Experiments of radioligand-receptor binding performed with [3
have shown that under certain assay conditions, micromolar concentrations of dantrolene
or its water-soluble derivative azumolene could inhibit the binding of ryanodine
to its conformationally sensitive site. In this respect, doxorubicin-stimulated
binding was much more inhibited by dantrolene than by caffeine or Ca2+
binding. These results are in agreement with Ca2+
transport studies with
skeletal SR, in which azumolene was shown to block doxorubicin-induced Ca2+
release. However, a later investigation found little pharmacologic overlap between
the modulation of [3
H]ryanodine and [3
H]dantrolene binding
sites in porcine skeletal muscle. For example, the binding of [3
was insensitive to ryanodine and Ca2+
and adenine nucleotides. Experiments
performed with [3
H]dantrolene have revealed that specific binding sites
for the drug colocalize to junctional SR membranes with [3
binding sites. [3
H]Dantrolene binding sites were not detected in T-tubule
membranes or sarcolemmal membranes.
The idea that dantrolene suppresses SR Ca2+
as a result of direct interactions with RYR1 has been somewhat controversial. Significant
progress has been made to positively identify the location of dantrolene binding
sites within the EC coupling machinery. Paul-Pletzer and associates[41]
demonstrated that [3
H]azidodantrolene, a pharmacologically active, photoaffinity
analog of dantrolene, specifically labels the amino terminus of RYR1. The [3
binding site was localized to the 1400-amino acid residue fragment of RYR1 cleaved
by n-calpain, a tissue-specific isoform of this Ca2+
and thiol-activated protease. More detailed analysis further localized the [3
binding site to a single domain containing the core sequence corresponding to amino
acid residues 590 through 609 of RYR1.[42]
of the specificity of the [3H]azidodantrolene photoaffinity-labeling procedure was
provided based on the observation that a monoclonal antibody that recognizes the
172-kd, n-calpain-cleaved, amino-terminal fragment
inhibited [3
H]azidodantrolene photolabeling of RYR1 in SR in a concentration-dependent
manner. Ikemoto and coworkers[43]
proposed that this very region of the RYR1 structure (DP1 domain) participates in
interdomain interactions that stabilize the closure of the Ca2+
state. Based on this model, one possible mechanism by which dantrolene inhibits
release of SR Ca2+
is by directly binding to the DP1 region and stabilizing
the interdomain interaction of DP1.[42]
How dantrolene
binding to the DP1 domain stabilizes rather than destabilizes interdomain interactions
remains a mystery.