Functional Changes in RYR1
Associated with Malignant Hyperthermia Mutations
Altered SR Ca2+
channel gating kinetics appear to underlie
the uncontrolled skeletal muscle metabolism associated with administration of halogenated
anesthetics or depolarizing agents. The sustained elevation of the Ca2+
level in the sarcoplasm results in abusive stimulation of aerobic and glycolytic
metabolism, which accounts for combined acidosis, rigidity, altered permeability,
and hyperkalemia. Although studies using Ca2+
-selective microelectrodes
have indicated that MH-affected muscle has a higher level of resting Ca2+
the findings have not been confirmed by radiometric fluorescent Ca2+
Study of the chronologic relationship of the biochemical and clinical development
of porcine MH demonstrates that the increase in intracellular Ca2+
precedes the increase in expired carbon dioxide and the classic first sign, tachycardia.
Extensive study of the porcine model has defined the biochemical
and functional changes in SR Ca2+
transport and RYR1 function underlying
MH. The validity of the single-point porcine RYR1
for defining MH malfunction is affirmed
by use of the fluorescent calcium
indicator indo-1 to determine the concentration of Ca2+
in myoblastic
cells transfected with wild-type or mutated RYR1
complementary DNA. The cells expressing the porcine RYR1
mutation showed higher sensitivity to caffeine. Clinical doses of halothane resulted
in a rapid increase of intracellular Ca2+
concentration in cells expressing
the mutated RYR1, whereas no changes in intracellular Ca2+
were observed in cells expressing the wild-type receptor. These results provide
definitive evidence that a single amino acid mutation, Arg615Cys, in RYR1 causes
porcine MH.[17]
Although active SR Ca2+
accumulation appears to be
normal in MH-affected pig muscle, significant abnormalities in the process of Ca2+
release have been documented in several types of in vitro bioassays. In skinned
muscle fiber preparations, the rate and the extent of Ca2+
release from
SR were higher in fibers with MH abnormalities. These results in skinned fibers
correlate well with those obtained from isolated SR membrane preparations enriched
in RYR1 protein. Although initial studies revealed a difference in the Ca2+
threshold for activation for SR Ca2+
release, later studies using rapid-quench
methods found no apparent difference in the sensitivity of SR Ca2+
with respect to Ca2+
. O'Brien and Li[37]
developed a microassay that revealed functional differences in Ca2+
in SR membranes isolated from normal or from MHS pigs. They found that SR from MHS
swine had normal maximal Ca2+
-ATPase pumping but that the activity of
RYR1 after addition of a bolus of Ca2+
was 50% greater in heterozygotes
and 100% greater in homozygotes for the mutation. Hypersensitivity to receptor agonists,
such as caffeine, and an associated hyposensitivity to inhibition with magnesium
) was also demonstrated. There has been some controversy about whether
changes exist in the sensitivity of MH-affected muscles to inhibition by Mg2+
compared with normal fibers. Owen and colleagues[38]
demonstrated that fibers from pigs heterozygous or homozygous for the RYR1
MH allele needed only a smaller reduction in the free concentration of Mg2+
to induce Ca2+
release from SR. Dantrolene counteracted the effect of
reduced Mg2+
inhibition in MH-affected muscle. The abnormal responsiveness
of MH-affected muscle to various stimuli may result from the reduced ability of myoplasmic
to inhibit Ca2+
release from SR.
Reconstitution of channels isolated from MHS pigs studied in bilayer
lipid membranes has revealed significantly reduced sensitivity to inactivating concentrations
of Ca2+
, whereas the sensitivity of channels to activating Ca2+
remains unchanged. The Ca2+
channels from MHS pigs exhibit a significantly
higher open probability compared with wild-type channels across a broad range of
concentrations (7 µM to 10 µM) on the cytoplasmic face
when measured at pH 6.8. Whether Ca2+
channels reconstituted in bilayer
lipid membranes from pigs with MH susceptibility exhibit an altered response to inhibition
by Mg2+
remains controversial. In porcine MH, Mg2+
of RYR1 channels was not altered, whereas there is a threefold lower potency for
inhibition of MH-affected Ca2+
channels. Similar findings
were seen in human MHS skinned fibers.[39]
underlying cause of these various porcine experimental results is unclear, but the
concentration of monovalent ions in measuring channel activity might have influenced
the inhibitory potency of Mg2+
. Channels isolated from pigs heterozygous
for the MH mutation suggest that the heterozygous porcine population of Ca2+
release channels contains heterotetramers with properties distinct from those of
MH homozygote or normal channels. The data also imply that the population of Ca2+
release channels in humans with MHS who are heterozygous for a dominant mutation
in this protein also contains heterotetrameric channels. In contrast to Ca2+
uptake and release studies with isolated SR, single-channel measurements have failed
to reveal an altered sensitivity of channels to activation by caffeine.
Radioligand-receptor binding studies with nanomolar concentrations
of [3
H]ryanodine have determined differences between SR isolated from
normal humans and pigs and those with MH susceptibility. [3
binding assays represent a sensitive means of assessing functional anomalies regulating
the channel pore by use of a simple tube assay. This is possible because [3
binds to a conformationally sensitive site within or near the channel pore. Mickelson
and coworkers[17]
first demonstrated that the binding
of [3
H]ryanodine to MH homozygotic porcine heavy SR exhibited an altered
dependence at the low-affinity (inhibitory) Ca2+
and a lower affinity for ryanodine compared with normal porcine SR. However, the
maximum capacity of SR to bind [3
H]ryanodine was the same in both tissues,
indicating an altered structure or function, or both, of the receptor rather than
a change in expression associated with the disease. Studies performed with RYR1
isolated from human biopsies revealed a higher affinity for [3
and a higher sensitivity to activation by caffeine with MHS preparations. Surprisingly,
it was the activation, not the inactivation, of the binding of [3
by Ca2+
that was abnormal in human MH SR.