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Other Drugs

Drugs other than those discussed earlier in this chapter have implications for anesthetic management. The therapies that have been discussed include anticoagulants and fibrinolytics (in the hematologic section), endocrinologic preparations excluding birth control pills but including corticosteroids (in the section on endocrinologic disease), antihypertensive drugs (earlier in this section and in the section on cardiovascular diseases), anticonvulsant drugs (in the section on neurologic disorders), and cancer chemotherapeutic agents (in the section on oncology).

Antiarrhythmic Drugs

Antiarrhythmic drugs include local anesthetics (lidocaine, procaine), anticonvulsant (phenytoin) or antihypertensive (propranolol) drugs, calcium channel blocking drugs, or primary antiarrhythmic drugs. These drugs are classified into five major categories: local anesthetics that alter phase 0 and phase 4 depolarization (quinidine, procainamide, and flecainide), local anesthetics that affect only phase 4 depolarization (lidocaine, tocainide, phenytoin, encainide), β-adrenergic receptor antagonists, antiadrenergic drugs (bretylium, disopyramide, amiodarone), and calcium entry blockers. These drugs are discussed elsewhere in this chapter and in Chapter 16 . A useful reference with suggestions about drug therapy for cardiac arrhythmias and monitoring of side effects was published by the Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics.[1007] A lack of adverse reports does not indicate that all these drugs should be continued through the time of surgery; pharmacokinetic studies have not yet determined whether anesthesia (or anesthesia with specific agents) alters the volume of distribution or clearance of these drugs to an extent sufficient to warrant changing the dosage or dosage schedule in the perioperative period. The dearth of reports on this subject may be due to a lack of significant drug interaction or to a lack of awareness that untoward events could be caused by such an interaction.

The pharmacologic characteristics of the various antiarrhythmic drugs can affect anesthetic management.

Disopyramide is similar to quinidine and procainamide in its antiarrhythmic effectiveness. Disopyramide is excreted mainly by the kidneys, but hepatic disease increases its half-life. This drug often produces anticholinergic effects, including tachycardia, urinary retention, and psychosis. Hepatitis has also been reported to have occurred after its use.[1007] Little is known of the interaction of bretylium with anesthetics. Because bretylium blocks the release of catecholamines, chronic therapy with this drug has been associated with hypersensitivity to vasopressors. [1007] Quinidine is dependent on the kidneys for excretion, can produce vagolytic effects that can decrease AV block, and is associated with blood dyscrasias and GI disturbances.[1007] Most of the antiarrhythmic drugs enhance nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockade. Reports have confirmed this enhancement for quinidine, phenytoin, lidocaine, procainamide, and propranolol.[1008] [1009] [1010] [1011] [1012] [1013] [1014] [1015] [1016] Amiodarone, an antiadrenergic drug used to treat recurrent supraventricular and ventricular tachycardia, causes thyroid dysfunction as a result of the large amount of iodine in its structure (see the section on thyroid disorders earlier in this chapter), as well as peripheral neuropathy, and has been associated with hypertension, bradyarrhythmias, and reduced cardiac output during anesthesia.[1017] The drug has a half-life of 29 days, and pharmacologic effects persist for over 45 days after its discontinuance. [1018] No data document such an effect for depolarizing muscle relaxants.


Many antibacterial agents are nephrotoxic or neurotoxic (or both), and many prolong neuromuscular blockade (also see Chapter 13 ).[1010] [1011] [1012] [1013] [1014] [1015] [1016] The only antibiotics devoid of neuromuscular effects appear to be penicillin G and the cephalosporins.[1015] Most enzyme-inducing drugs do not increase the metabolism of enflurane or isoflurane. However, isoniazid appears to induce the microsomal enzymes responsible for the metabolism of at least enflurane, thereby increasing the possibility of fluorine-associated renal damage after enflurane.[1019] Appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis for surgery (see Table 27-37 and Table 27-38 ) requires a knowledge of the probability of infection for that type of surgical procedure and, if the incidence of infection warrants, the use of a drug regimen directed against the most likely infecting organisms.[457]


Digitalis preparations have a limited margin of safety, and the risk of toxicity increases with hypokalemia.[1020] Although there is good rationale for administering digoxin prophylactically before surgery,[574] [1021] we generally avoid doing so because potassium concentrations can fluctuate widely during anesthesia as a result of fluid shifts, ventilatory acid-base derangements, and adjuvant treatments[734] [770] [771] [772] and because intraoperative arrhythmias caused by digitalis toxicity may be difficult to differentiate from those having other sources. Digitalis intoxication can be manifested by such diverse cardiac arrhythmias as junctional escape rhythm, PVCs, ventricular bigeminy or trigeminy, junctional tachycardia, paroxysmal atrial tachycardia with or without block, sinus arrest, sinus exit block, Mobitz type I or II blocks, or ventricular tachycardia.[1020] However, anesthetics appear to protect against digitalis toxicity, at least in animal studies.[1022] [1023] [1024] [1025] A titrated cardioversion technique using at first 10- and then 20-, 30-, 40-, 50-, 75-, 100-, 150-, and 200-J doses resulted in safe cardioversion in the presence of digitalis and propofol or midazolam hypnosis.[1026] For patients in atrial fibrillation, the ventricular response should guide the choice of dose of digitalis.

Medications for Glaucoma (also see Chapter 65 )

Medications for glaucoma include two organophosphates: echothiophate and isoflurophate. These drugs inhibit serum cholinesterase, which is responsible for the hydrolysis and inactivation of succinylcholine and estertype local anesthetics such as procaine, chloroprocaine, and tetracaine.[1027] [1028] [1029] These ester-type local anesthetics should be avoided in patients treated with eye drops containing organophosphate. Table 27-50 lists other medications related to anesthesia and their side effects (from the National Registry for Drug-Induced Ocular Side Effects, Oregon Health Sciences University, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road, Portland, OR 97201; 503-279-8456).

Magnesium, Cimetidine, and Oral Contraceptives

Magnesium is given to treat eclampsia; it can cause neuromuscular blockade by itself and potentiates neuromuscular blockade by both nondepolarizing and depolarizing muscle relaxants.[1030] [1031] Cimetidine reduces hepatic blood flow and inhibits enzymatic degradation of drugs by the liver. Thus, higher blood levels and prolonged elimination half-lives may result when drugs that are metabolized by the liver (e.g., lidocaine, procaine, some narcotics, and propranolol) are given to patients taking cimetidine chronically or acutely.[1032] [1033] The risk of postoperative venous thrombosis increases when oral contraceptives are used preoperatively.[1034] [1035] Although some authorities recommend changing from oral contraceptives to topical methods of birth control 2 to 4 weeks before surgery,[1036] no controlled study has determined whether birth control pills should be discontinued before surgery or the resulting incidence of pregnancy. Other authorities recommend preventing venous thromboembolism by using low-dose heparin, guided by a determination of efficacy and cost-effectiveness.[478] [479] [480] Because estrogens greatly decrease the incidence of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis, their use in the elderly is being encouraged. [346] Thus, the uncertainty surrounding prophylaxis for heart disease (created by the dilemma of long-term benefit versus the short-term risk of thromboembolism) needs better data for resolution.

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