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Renovation of Facilities

The centralization and modernization of preoperative evaluation procedures represented by a PPAC are long-term investments in the proper facilities and benefit the patient, anesthesia group, and hospital. Focusing all services into one area produces a center that is visible and efficient. Table 25-24 lists the facilities that constitute the APEC at Stanford University Hospital and the University of Chicago.

TABLE 25-24 -- Facilities of the anesthesia preoperative evaluation clinic (APEC) at Stanford University Hospital and the University of Chicago *
The APEC at Stanford University consists of the following facilities (information for the University of Chicago is shown in brackets):
 1. Five combination office and examination rooms [10]
 2. A patient and family education room (preoperative teaching) [1]
 3. A patient-centered media and video room [0]
 4. A phlebotomy and electrocardiography room [8 are set up for this]
 5. An on-site office for the APEC medical director [1]
 6. A registration and reception area [1]
 7. On-site restroom facilities [2]
 8. A large, comfortable patient lounge [1]
 9. An area for admitting and financial services [yes]
10. Approximately 2,200 square feet for facilities [2,600]
11. Conference room and shared chart and computer support room [University of Chicago only]
*All areas are accessible to wheelchairs.

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