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Other Factors That May Interfere with Antagonism

It is not advisable to administer further anticholinesterase if maximal doses of edrophonium (1.5 mg/kg), neostigmine (70 µg/kg), or pyridostigmine (350 µg/kg) fail to antagonize residual blockade.[590] [592] These doses inhibit acetylcholinesterase completely, and if they fail to fully antagonize residual blockade, another likely cause of the inadequate antagonism should be sought. Some of these additional potential causes of inadequate antagonism of neuromuscular blockade are described in the following sections.

Acid-Base State

Both metabolic and respiratory acidosis may augment a nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockade, but only respiratory acidosis prevents adequate antagonism. [588] [618] [619] The probability of achieving adequate antagonism of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockade in the presence of significant respiratory acidosis (PaCO2 greater than 50 mm Hg) is low. Therefore, if a patient hypoventilates, attempts to antagonize a residual block may fail. Administration of narcotics to relieve pain may, by producing hypoventilation, increase the likelihood of this adverse event.

Although metabolic acidosis might also be predicted to prevent antagonism by neostigmine, this theory has not been substantiated.[588] [618] [619] Metabolic alkalosis, but not metabolic acidosis, prevents neostigmine antagonism of dTc and pancuronium.[588] [618] [620] These results suggest that

the extracellular hydrogen ion concentration (pH) may not be as important as changes in electrolytes and intracellular pH.

Electrolyte Imbalance

Although it has been the subject of review articles,[621] few data are available on the effect of electrolyte imbalance on antagonism of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockade by neostigmine. Low extracellular concentrations of potassium enhance the blockade from nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers and diminish the ability of neostigmine to antagonize the blockade. This effect is based on the increase in end-plate transmembrane potential that results from a higher ratio of intracellular to extracellular potassium. Thus, a decrease in extracellular potassium causes hyperpolarization and produces resistance to depolarization. Patients with an imbalance in potassium may have other diseases or injuries that alter their response to neuromuscular blockers (e.g., patients with burns). Cohen[622] and Feldman [621] speculated that in chronic diseases, both intracellular and extracellular potassium is depleted with little net effect on transmembrane potential. Therefore, the response to neuromuscular blockers and their antagonists should be normal. However, muscle transmembrane potentials are changed in patients who are severely ill or bedridden for a few days.[623] In addition, severe dehydration will concentrate the neuromuscular blocker present in plasma, in effect decreasing the volume of distribution and increasing muscle relaxant activity. In an animal model of chronic hypokalemia, cats were given a diuretic without potassium supplementation for 15 days. Less pancuronium was required for neuromuscular blockade and more neostigmine for antagonism.[624] Even though the differences were small, the blockade was always antagonized completely. Assuming that this animal model approximates the clinical situation, changes in potassium appear to be of relatively minor consequence with respect to the clinical question of adequacy of reversal.

Other Factors

The calcium channel blocker verapamil will potentiate nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs and may make it difficult to achieve adequate reversal of blockade.[625] [626] When attempting reversal of neuromuscular blockade in patients receiving verapamil, edrophonium may be more effective than neostigmine.[625] [626] Other factors that may interfere with antagonism are hypothermia and the administration of antibiotics, particularly the aminoglycoside or polypeptide classes (see "Drug Interactions").[467] [468] [469] [470] [471] [472] [473] [474] In the case of antibiotics, administration of an anticholinesterase may in fact deepen the blockade. Monitoring with a nerve stimulator, if aminoglycosides have been administered,[627] may give misleading results.

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