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Neuroexcitatory Phenomena

Fentanyl can cause neuroexcitation ranging from delirium to grand mal seizure-like activity.[127] It was reported that fentanyl causes EEG seizure activity in animals, but EEG evidence of seizure activity after fentanyl, alfentanil, and sufentanil is generally lacking in humans. Remifentanil was reported to induce generalized tonic-clonic seizure-like activity in an otherwise healthy adult.[128]

Animal studies demonstrate that in certain species, opioids cause focal CNS excitation rather than global CNS depression.[129] Focal neuroexcitation (e.g., sharp and spike wave activity) is noted occasionally on EEG in humans after large doses of fentanyl, sufentanil, and alfentanil. Morphine has also been reported to produce tonic-clonic activity after epidural and intrathecal administration.[130] Meperidine also may cause CNS excitability. The mechanism is related to its N-desmethyl metabolite, normeperidine, which is twice as potent in causing CNS excitation and convulsions as meperidine.[131] Naloxone administration for the CNS adverse effects of meperidine should be avoided, because naloxone can elicit seizures by unmasking the excitatory effects of meperidine when its depressant effects are antagonized.[131]

The mechanisms underlying opioid-induced neuroexcitatory phenomena are not completely clear. More recent work suggests that excitatory opioid actions may be related to their coupling to mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades.[132] Local increases in CBF and metabolism are also of theoretical concern because prolonged seizure activity, even if focal, can lead to neuronal injury and/or cellular death. Fentanyl, alfentanil, and sufentanil in large doses also induce hypermetabolism and histopathologic alterations of the limbic system in rats.[133] In rats, midazolam, naloxone, and phenytoin prevented EEG seizure activity and histologically evident brain damage induced by large-dose fentanyl.[134]

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