Mechanism of Analgesia
Pain control by opioids needs to be considered in the context
of brain circuits modulating analgesia and the functions of the various types of
receptors in these circuits.[19]
It has been well
established that the analgesic effects of opioids arise from their ability to inhibit
directly the ascending transmission of nociceptive information from the spinal cord
dorsal horn[1]
and to activate pain control circuits
that descend from the midbrain, via the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM), to the
spinal cord dorsal horn.[2]
Immunohistochemical studies and in situ hybridization analysis
have demonstrated that opioid receptors are expressed in various areas in the central
nervous system (CNS).[5]
These include the amygdala,
the mesencephalic reticular formation, the periaqueductal gray matter (PAG), and
the rostral ventral medulla. However, the role of the opioid receptors in all of
these areas has not been completely clarified.
Microinjection of morphine into the PAG or direct electrical stimulation
of this area produces analgesia that can be blocked by naloxone. Opioid actions
at the PAG influence the RVM, which in turn modulates nociceptive transmission in
the dorsal horn of the spinal cord through the action of the descending inhibition
pathway. Thus, opioids not only produce analgesia by direct actions on the spinal
cord but also produce analgesia by neurally mediated action in the region separated
from the site of opioid administration.
The distribution of opioid receptors in descending pain control
circuits indicates substantial overlap between μ and κ receptors. Interactions
between the κ receptor and the μ receptor may be important for modulating
nociceptive transmission from higher nociceptive centers as well as in the spinal
cord dorsal horn. The μ receptor produces analgesia within descending pain control
circuits, at least in part, by the removal of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic
inhibition of RVM-projecting neurons in the PAG and spinally projecting neurons in
the RVM.[19]
The actions of μ-receptor agonists
are invariably analgesic, whereas those of κ-receptor agonists can be either
analgesic or antianalgesic. The pain-modulating effects of the κ-receptor
agonists in the brainstem appear to oppose those of μ-receptor agonists.[20]
Local spinal mechanisms, in addition to descending inhibition,
underlie the analgesic action of opioids. In the spinal cord, opioids act at synapses
either presynaptically or post-synaptically. Opioid receptors are abundantly expressed
in the substantia gelatinosa, where substance P release from the primary sensory
neuron is inhibited by opioids.
There is significant opioid-receptor ligand binding, and little
detectable receptor mRNA expression in the spinal cord dorsal horn, but high levels
of opioid-receptor mRNA in dorsal root ganglia. This distribution suggests that
the actions of opioid-receptor agonists relevant to analgesia at the spinal level
may be predominantly presynaptic. It is well known that opioids decrease the pain-evoked
release of tachykinins from primary afferent nociceptors. However, it was demonstrated
that at least 80% of tachykinin signaling in response to noxious stimulation remains
intact after the intrathecal administration of large doses of opioids.[21]
These results suggest that, while opioid administration may reduce tachykinin release
from primary afferent nociceptors, this reduction has little functional impact on
the actions of tachykinins on postsynaptic pain-transmitting neurons.
The actions of opioids in bulbospinal pathways are critical to
their analgesic efficacy. It is clear that opioid actions in the forebrain contribute
to analgesia, because decerebration prevents analgesia when rats are tested for pain
sensitivity using the formalin test,[22]
and microinjection
of opioids into several forebrain regions are analgesic in this test.[23]
Analgesia induced by systemic administration of morphine in both the tail flick
and formalin tests was disrupted either by lesioning or reversibly inactivating the
central nucleus of the amygdala, demonstrating that opioid actions in the forebrain
contribute to analgesia in measures of tissue damage as well as acute phasic nociception.
Opioids may also produce analgesia through peripheral mechanisms.
Immune cells infiltrating the inflammation
site may release endogenous opioid-like substances, which act on the opioid receptors
located on the primary sensory neuron.[26]
other studies do not support this conclusion.[27]