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The pharmacokinetics of ketamine has not been as well studied as that of many other intravenous anesthetics. Ketamine pharmacokinetics has been examined after bolus administration of anesthetizing doses (2 to 2.5 mg/kg),[31] after a subanesthetic dose (0.25 mg/kg),[31] [450] and after continuous infusion (steady-state plasma level of 2000 ng/mL).[451] Regardless of the dose, ketamine plasma disappearance can be described by a two-compartment model. Table 10-1 contains the pharmacokinetic values from bolus administration studies.[31] Of note is the rapid distribution reflected in the relatively brief slow distribution half-life of 11 to 16 minutes ( Fig. 10-21 ). The high lipid solubility of ketamine is reflected in its relatively large volume of distribution, nearly 3 L/kg. Clearance is also relatively high and ranges from 890 to 1227 mL/min, which accounts for the relatively short elimination half-life of 2 to 3 hours. The mean total-body clearance (1.4 L/min)

Figure 10-21 Simulated time course of plasma levels of ketamine after an induction dose of 2.0 mg/kg. Plasma levels required for hypnosis and amnesia during surgery are 0.7 to 2.2 µg/mL, with awakening usually occurring at levels lower than 0.5 µg/mL.

is approximately equal to liver blood flow, which means that changes in liver blood flow affect clearance. Thus, the administration of a drug such as halothane, which reduces hepatic blood flow, decreases ketamine clearance.[452] [453] Low-dose alfentanil increases the volume of distribution and clearance of ketamine, thereby resulting in higher plasma concentrations. In addition, alfentanil increases the distribution of ketamine into the brain.[454]

The pharmacokinetics of the two isomers is different. S-(+)-ketamine has a larger elimination clearance and larger volume of distribution than R-(+)-ketamine does.[455] The S-(+)-enantiomer also appears to be more potent in suppressing the EEG than either S-(-) or the racemic mixture.[456]

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