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Flumazenil (Anexate, Romazicon) is the first benzodiazepine antagonist approved for clinical use.[388] Preclinical pharmacologic studies with flumazenil revealed it to be a benzodiazepine receptor ligand with high affinity, great specificity, and minimal intrinsic effect by definition.[377] Flumazenil, like the agonists that it replaces at the benzodiazepine receptor, interacts with the receptor in a concentration-dependent manner. Because it is a competitive antagonist at the benzodiazepine receptor, its antagonism is reversible and surmountable. Flumazenil has minimal intrinsic activity,[377] [417] which means that its benzodiazepine receptor agonist effects are very weak, significantly less than those of clinical agonists. Flumazenil, like all competitive antagonists at receptors, does not displace the agonist but rather occupies the receptor when an agonist dissociates from the receptor. The half-time (or half-life) of a receptor-ligand bond is a few milliseconds to a few seconds, and new ligand-receptor bonds are then immediately formed. This dynamic situation accounts for the ability of either an agonist or an antagonist to readily occupy the receptor. The proportion of receptors occupied by the agonist in the presence of an antagonist obeys the law of mass action and depends on the affinities and concentrations of the two ligands.[372] [377] Equation 1 expresses this relationship[418] :

where [RAgo ] is the receptor concentration of agonist, [Rt ] is the total number of receptors, KAgo is the dissociation constant for agonist, KAnt is the dissociation constant for antagonist, [Ago] is the concentration of agonist at the receptor, and [Ant] is the concentration of antagonist at the receptor.

The ratio of agonist to total receptors produces the effects of the agonist drug, but an antagonist can alter this ratio, depending on its concentration and dissociation constant (see Equation 1). Thus, flumazenil, which is an avid (high-affinity) ligand, will replace a relatively weak agonist such as diazepam as long as it is given in sufficient dose (i.e., high [Ant]). However, flumazenil is cleared relatively rapidly, and the net result is that [Ant] is reduced over time as compared with [Ago]; thus, the proportion of receptors occupied by agonist will increase, and the potential for resedation exists ( Fig. 10-19 ). This situation is less likely to occur when flumazenil is used to reverse midazolam, which has more rapid clearance than other

Figure 10-19 Schematic representation of the interaction of a short-acting antagonist with a longer-acting agonist resulting in resedation. The upper curve shows disappearance of agonist from blood, and the lower curve shows disappearance of antagonist from plasma. Four conditions are represented: I, agonist response; II, antagonist response (the antagonist reverses the agonist effect); III, agonist response (resedation or resumption of agonist response with disappearance of short-lasting antagonist); and IV, no drug effect, with disappearance of both agonist and antagonist (both drugs are below the therapeutic level).

benzodiazepine agonists do.[419] Another important finding is that in the presence of extremely high doses of agonist (e.g., when a mistake in dosing has occurred or suicide is attempted), flumazenil in low dose attenuates the deep CNS depression (loss of consciousness, respiratory depression) by reducing the fractional receptor occupancy by the agonist without decreasing the agonist effects that occur at low fractional receptor occupancy (drowsiness, amnesia). Conversely, high doses of flumazenil in the presence of low doses of agonist completely reverse virtually all the agonist effects. Flumazenil can precipitate withdrawal symptoms in animals or in humans physically dependent on a benzodiazepine receptor agonist. [420] Such symptoms are not a problem when flumazenil is used to reverse benzodiazepine receptor agonists in anesthesia.

Physicochemical Characteristics

Flumazenil, synthesized in 1979, is similar to midazolam and other classic benzodiazepines except for absence of the phenyl group, which is replaced by a carbonyl group (see Fig. 10-10 ). [421] It forms a colorless, crystalline powder, has a dissociation constant of 1.7, and has weak but sufficient water solubility to permit its preparation in aqueous solution. Its octanol/aqueous buffer partition coefficient is 14, and it demonstrates moderate lipid solubility at pH 7.4.[421]

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