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12. Test the Ventilation Systems and Unidirectional Valves

  1. Place a second breathing bag on the Y-piece.
  2. Set appropriate ventilator parameters for the next patient.
  3. Switch to automatic ventilation mode (i.e., Ventilator).
  4. Turn the ventilator ON, and fill the bellows and breathing bag with an O2 flush.
  5. Set the O2 flow to minimum and other gas flows to zero.
  6. Verify that the bellows deliver an appropriate tidal volume during inspiration and that the bellows fill completely during expiration.
  7. Set the fresh gas flow to about 5 L/min.
  8. Verify that the ventilator's bellows and simulated lungs fill and empty appropriately without sustained pressure at end expiration.
  9. Check for proper action of unidirectional valves.
  10. Exercise breathing circuit accessories to ensure proper function.
  11. Turn the ventilator off, and switch to manual ventilation mode (i.e., Bag/APL).
  12. Ventilate manually, and ensure inflation and deflation of artificial lungs and appropriate feel of system resistance and compliance.
  13. Remove second breathing bag from the Y-piece.

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