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On arrival in the PACU, the anesthesiologist should give the nurse a full report of the events during surgery. This report should include the patient's name, age, surgical procedure, medical problems, preoperative medications, allergies, anesthetic drugs and methods, fluid and blood replacement, blood loss, urinary output, gastric output, and surgical or anesthetic complications encountered. The report to the PACU nurse needs to focus on the quality of verbal information about the patient, the condition of
TABLE 71-3 -- Recovery differences between desflurane and sevoflurane
Reference Duration of General Anesthesia, min (SD) Dose (MAC) ET Sevoflurane/ET Desflurane Numbers of Subjects (Sevoflurane/Desflurane) Following Commands: Mean Sevoflurane Time — Mean Desflurane Time (P Value)
Eger[41] 480 1.25/1.25 10/9 14 (P < .001)
Dupont[42] 170 (67) 0.9/0.6 29/37 0.6 (NS)
Song[43] 161 (7) 1/1 40/40 2.5 (NS)
Sun R[44] 120 (65) Bis = 45–51 60/60 1 (NS)
Nathanson[45] 80 (25) 0.75/0.75 21/21 4 (P < .05) *
ET, endotracheal; MAC, minimum alveolar concentration.
*No differences were found in time to recovery of cognitive functions or time to discharge.

the patient on admission, the professional behavior of the anesthesiologist, and the nurse's satisfaction with the report.[

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