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Reduction in Gas Density

A reduction in gas density results in lower breathing resistance. Varene and associates[261] examined the effect of ambient pressure from 0.5 to 5 ATA on airway resistance in normal subjects. Their data can be summarized by either of the following equations:

RP /R0 = 0.57 + 0.44 · PATA (11)


RP /R0 = PATA 0.59 (12)

where PATA is ambient pressure in ATA, RP is airway resistance at ambient pressure, and R0 is airways resistance at 1 ATA. For example, at an ambient pressure of 0.5 ATA (5486 m), airway resistance is reduced by approximately 20%. Under resting conditions, differences in breathing pattern during exposure to high altitude are minor when compared with a similar degree of hypoxia at sea leve.[262]

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