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The traditional method of administering hyperbaric therapy is with the use of a multiplace chamber that accommodates two or more persons ( Fig. 70-5 ). Size may vary from a small, portable two-person chamber used for transporting patients in the field to one 20 or more feet in diameter in which up to a dozen patients may be comfortably admitted in addition to tenders. The largest multiple chamber ever built was a 20-m-diameter sphere that could be compressed to 3 ATA.[4] Multiplace chambers are compressed with air, and the patient breathes O2 with a head tent ( Fig. 70-6 ), facemask, or endotracheal tube. Because of immediate access to the patient by accompanying nursing personnel or physicians, monitoring is relatively straightforward. Intravenous lines can be inserted during treatment, and airway management, including suctioning, can be performed. As already pointed out, surgery has even been performed inside multiplace hyperbaric chambers. However, operation of these chambers is complex. They have a large space requirement for installation and are costly.

The other type of chamber is a monoplace chamber that is large enough to accommodate only one patient ( Fig. 70-7 ); a tender can be used only with a small child. The chamber wall in most types is manufactured of Plexiglas to facilitate close observation of the patient. The chamber is usually compressed with 100% O2 . The advantage of monoplace chambers is their relatively low cost and ease of installation. The chamber may be put into use merely by connecting the O2 inlet to the hospital supply, although some modification of the main supply piping may be required to accommodate large flow rates. Operation of the chamber is relatively simple, but it has the disadvantage of less flexibility. The patient inside the chamber at pressure cannot be evaluated "hands on," monitoring is


Figure 70-6 Head tent circuit for use in a multiplace chamber. Fresh gas (100% O2 ) flows at a constant rate (>30 L/min) through the head tent. Exhaust gas may be either vented outside the chamber or recirculated through a CO2 scrubber. The sample line attached to the exhaust hose allows monitoring of the patient's breathing gas.

Figure 70-7 Monoplace chamber. This type of chamber has room for one patient or a tender with a small child. The chamber's atmosphere is 100% O2 . The chamber is constructed of transparent Plexiglas to allow observation. Through-hull penetrators in the door can be used for monitoring, administration of intravenous fluid, and control of a ventilator inside the chamber.

somewhat more remote, and emergency care of the airway cannot be provided. The development of pneumothorax, particularly tension pneumothorax, through rare, can be fatal because of the impossibility of inserting a chest tube before decompression. A minor disadvantage of these chambers is that the ambient pressure limit is 3 ATA, and for practical reasons, treatment times are limited. Moreover, the need for intermittent periods of air breathing to decrease the risk of O2 toxicity (see later) requires the installation of an additional gas delivery system. Nevertheless, monoplace technology now permits the administration of intravenous fluids from outside the chamber, invasive intravascular monitoring, mechanical ventilation, and the use of pleural drainage systems incorporating regulated suction. Additional details have been published by Weaver and Strauss.[145] [146] Many chambers are now also equipped with mask systems from which the patient may intermittently breathe air (called "BIBS" for built-in breathing system), thereby permitting the administration of U.S. Navy treatment tables for decompression illness (see later).

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