Correction of Acidosis
Respiratory acidosis is corrected by controlling ventilation.
Metabolic acidosis is corrected by infusing sodium bicarbonate. However, bicarbonate
should not be administered unless the physician is reasonably sure that the neonate's
intravascular volume is appropriate.
Several potentially serious problems are associated with administering
sodium bicarbonate:
- Sodium bicarbonate is hypertonic, about 1800 mOsm/L. If a large volume
of sodium bicarbonate is administered rapidly (>1 mEq/kg/min), the intravascular
volume may expand rapidly and cause intracranial hemorrhage.
- The complete reaction of hydrogen ions with 50 mEq of bicarbonate generates
approximately 1250 mL of CO2
. If ventilation is adequate, the CO2
is quickly exhaled, and the PaCO2
1 to 3 mm Hg. If ventilation is inadequate, as it is in asphyxiated neonates, the
increases significantly, and because
the CO2
freely diffuses into cells, it may lead to cardiac arrest. Because
it dilates cerebral vessels, PaCO2
cerebral blood flow and may cause intracranial hemorrhage. To prevent the rise in
, ventilation should be controlled.
Sodium bicarbonate should not be infused to correct metabolic acidosis unless ventilation
is adequate.
- Administering bicarbonate also may induce hypotension ( Fig.
). This occurs because acidotic, hypovolemic neonates have intense
peripheral vasoconstriction, which preserves their arterial blood pressure. Correcting
the acidosis reduces the PVR and induces hypotension because the neonate's blood
volume is inadequate to fill the expanded vascular space.
- Sodium bicarbonate also may interfere with myocardial function, especially
if the acidosis for which it was given is ongoing.[92]
This is rare clinically in neonates.
- Until recently, it was believed that the CO2
produced by the
reaction of bicarbonate with hydrogen ions decreased the intracellular pH of brain.
However, this is not the case.[94]
Figure 59-8
The effects of sodium bicarbonate on aortic blood pressure
(PAO), heart rate, and hematocrit level. Notice
that hypotension occurred after administration of sodium bicarbonate. The hematocrit
level decreased as fluid was "pulled" into the intravascular space to compensate
for the hypovolemia that was present since birth. Raising the pH decreased the peripheral
vasoconstriction produced by the preexisting acidosis. Giving albumin increased
the aortic pressure to normal. On the basis of the final hematocrit level, the initial
blood volume was approximately 30% less than predicted. (Adapted from Phibbs
RH: Problems of neonatal intensive care units. In
Lucey JF [ed]: Report on the 59th Ross Conference on Pediatric Research, 1969, Columbus,
Trishydroxymethylaminomethane (THAM) is an alternative to sodium
bicarbonate. Rather than produce CO2
, THAM binds it in addition to binding
the hydrogen ion of fixed acids. This feature of THAM is very beneficial to neonates
who already have an elevated PaCO2
Who Requires Alkali Therapy?
Despite the potential problems associated with bicarbonate administration,
there are situations in which it is useful. If the Apgar score is 2 or less at 2
minutes or is 5 or less at 5 minutes despite tactile stimulation and controlled ventilation
with oxygen, the neonate should be given 2 mEq/kg of sodium bicarbonate while the
lungs are being ventilated. Bicarbonate should not be infused into a catheter whose
tip rests in the liver, because the hypertonic solution may cause hepatic necrosis.
Ventilation should be controlled as the drug is infused. Blood gases and pH should
be measured. If the pH is below 7.00, the PaCO2
is below 35 mm Hg, and the blood volume is adequate, one fourth of the base deficit
should be corrected with sodium bicarbonate. If the pH is above 7.10, ventilation
of the lungs should be continued, and arterial pH and blood gases should be measured
again in 5 minutes. If the pH is 7.15 or higher on the repeat measurement, ventilation
of the lungs should continue, and bicarbonate therapy should be delayed. If the
repeat blood gas determination shows a decrease or no change
Figure 59-9
The effects of the rapid infusion of sodium bicarbonate
on PaO2
and pH when ventilation was held
constant. The PaO2
increased when the
pH increased above 7.10 to 7.20. (Adapted from Gregory GA: Resuscitation
of the newborn. Anesthesiology 43:225, 1975.)
in pH, one fourth of the base deficit should be corrected with bicarbonate. Figure
shows the effects of sodium bicarbonate on the PaO2
of a group of asphyxiated neonates whose ventilation was held constant. No significant
increase in PaO2
occurred until the pH
was above 7.10 to 7.20, the point at which Rudolph and Yuen[19]
found their most significant decrease in PVR. It is unclear in the neonates I have
treated whether the increase in PaO2
caused by the increase in pHa or expansion of blood volume by bicarbonate and improved
pulmonary blood flow.
Metabolic acidosis occurs when tissue perfusion is poor. At birth,
underperfusion is usually caused by hypovolemia or heart failure (i.e., congenital
heart disease, including congenital bradycardia and severe acidosis). Heart failure
usually occurs when the pH is below 7.00. Raising the pH to 7.15 or higher usually
improves cardiac output. As a result of this increase, liver perfusion increases
and metabolic acids are metabolized. If heart failure is caused by cardiac disease
(e.g., congenital bradycardia from arrhythmias, erythroblastosis, congenital cardiac
anomalies), the cardiac output should be increased
with a continuous infusion of isoproterenol (starting with 0.05 µg/kg/min and
increasing the dose as necessary), or a transvenous pacemaker should be inserted.
In these patients, cardiac output is usually best when the heart rate is raised
to 160 to 190 beats/min. Hypoglycemia may also cause heart failure, but hypoglycemia
is uncommon in asphyxiated neonates. If it is low, the blood glucose concentration
should be increased to normal (50 to 90 mg/dL) by infusing 5 mL/kg of 10% dextrose
in water over 3 to 5 minutes. This infusion should be followed with a continuous
infusion of enough glucose to maintain a normal glucose concentration. Blood glucose
concentration should be measured 5 minutes later to determine if the glucose concentration
is normal. If the acidosis is caused by hypovolemia, as it usually is, the blood
volume should be expanded before bicarbonate is administered.