Adequacy of Ventilation
Adequacy of ventilation is usually determined by physical examination
and analysis of arterial blood gases. Both sides of the chest should rise equally
and simultaneously with inspiration. However, the amount of
rise should not exceed that of normal breathing in neonates. If one side
of the chest rises before the other, the tip of the endotracheal tube may be in a
mainstem bronchus, or there may be a pneumothorax or congenital anomaly of the lung.
Listening to the breath sounds may be misleading. Because the chest is small, breath
sounds are well transmitted within the thorax. Consequently, the breath sounds may
be normal, even though the neonate has a pneumothorax or a congenital anomaly of
the lung. A difference in breath sounds between the two sides of the chest should
raise suspicion that an endobronchial intubation, a pneumothorax, atelectasis, or
a congenital anomaly of the lung is present. Breath sounds are usually heard over
the stomach, but these sounds are not as loud as the breath sounds heard over the
chest. If they are as loud, determine whether an esophageal intubation has occurred
or the neonate has a tracheoesophageal fistula. If ventilation is adequate, the
neonate will become pink, initiate rhythmic breathing, and have a normal heart rate.
Normal blood gas levels eventually are restored.
Most asphyxiated neonates do not have lung disease. They usually
can be effectively ventilated with less than 25 cm H2
O peak pressure,
even for the first few breaths. Excessive airway pressures cause pulmonary gas leaks
and may cause lung injury.[63]
Neonates whose lungs
are stiff (e.g., erythroblastosis fetalis, congenital anomalies of the lung, pulmonary
edema, severe meconium aspiration, diaphragmatic hernia) often require much higher
inspiratory pressures to ventilate their lungs. If so, they are likely to develop
pulmonary gas leaks. To reduce this likelihood, the lungs should first be ventilated
with inspiratory pressures of 15 to 20 cm H2
O and rates of 150 to 200
breaths/min. If this low-pressure (low-volume), high-rate ventilation does not improve
the blood gases, higher pressures and volumes may be required. Failure to adequately
ventilate the lungs at birth may make hypoxemia worse and lead to CNS damage or even
death. However, excessive pressures can be equally problematic. If a pulmonary
gas leak occurs and interferes with oxygenation, CO2
removal, or the circulation,
the pleural gas should be drained with a thoracostomy tube. Pneumopericardium or
pneumomediastinum seldom requires drainage.
The effects of ventilation should be monitored closely. If the
is greater than 70 to 80 mm Hg or
the SaO2
exceeds 94%, the inspired oxygen
concentration should be reduced in 5% to 10% steps until the PaO2
is between 50 and 80 mm Hg or the SaO2
is between 87% and 94%. In a controlled trial, resuscitation with room air was just
as effective as with 100% oxygen.[49]
This must
be confirmed before it can be recommended. It is especially important to maintain
oxygenation within this range when resuscitating neonates of 34 weeks' gestation
or less, because they can develop retinopathy of prematurity (i.e., retrolental fibroplasia).
it is not clear what level of PaO2
) causes retinopathy of prematurity,
we know that it can occur in premature neonates with a PaO2
of about 150 mm Hg for 2 to 4 hours. Repeated increases in PaO2
to these levels may be as dangerous because the retinal vessels do not immediately
relax after reduction of the PaO2
to normal
levels. It may take more than 30 minutes for this to occur. The neonate's heart
rate should be continuously monitored during endotracheal intubation because arrhythmias
are common during this procedure, especially if the neonate is hypoxic at the time
of tracheal intubation.