- Inhaled anesthetics affect every facet of pulmonary physiology, from the
variety of forces controlling ventilation and pulmonary blood flow to surface tension,
mucus secretion, and airway smooth muscle tone.
- Volatile anesthetics are potent bronchodilators in animals and humans.
This action occurs through several complex mechanisms that involve a decrease in
intracellular calcium concentration and a reduction in calcium sensitivity in the
presence of a bronchoconstrictive agent.
- Volatile anesthetics increase baseline pulmonary dynamic compliance, but
these agents are more effective at attenuating increases in pulmonary airway resistance
due to chemical or mechanical stimuli. Inhaled anesthetics also preferentially dilate
distal airways rather than proximal airways.
- Inhaled anesthetics diminish the rate of mucus clearance by decreasing
ciliary beat frequency, disrupting metachronism, or altering the characteristics
of mucus.
- Pulmonary surfactant decreases the work of breathing by reducing alveolar
surface tension. Volatile anesthetics cause progressive, yet reversible, reductions
in phosphatidylcholine, the main lipid component of surfactant. The roles of depressed
mucociliary function and alterations in type II alveolar cell function in postoperative
pulmonary complications after administration of a volatile agent are unknown.
- The multiple sites of action of inhaled anesthetics on pulmonary parenchyma
and vasculature complicate the direct assessment of anesthetic-induced alterations
in PVR. Volatile anesthetics cause a biphasic, contraction-relaxation response in
pulmonary vascular smooth muscle that is mediated at multiple sites in a Ca2+
signaling pathway. Overall, the net effect of inhaled anesthetic-induced changes
in PVR is relatively small.
- HPV is an important mechanism by which pulmonary blood is preferentially
redistributed away from poorly ventilated lung regions to those with adequate alveolar
ventilation. Most inhaled anesthetics attenuate HPV in vitro and exert relatively
modest inhibitory effects on HPV, shunting, or oxygenation in vivo.
- Inhaled anesthetics (with the exception of xenon) reduce tidal volume and
minute ventilation and cause tachypnea in a dose-related fashion. The relative increases
in arterial carbon dioxide tension (as an index of respiratory depression) occur
with these agents in the following order: enflurane, desflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane,
- Inhaled anesthetics affect inspiratory and expiratory respiratory muscles
to various degrees, possibly as a result of differential sensitivities of premotor
and motor neurons.
- All inhaled anesthetics depress the ventilatory responses to hypercarbia
and hypoxia by altering central and peripheral chemoreceptor function in a dose-dependent
fashion. The effects of subanesthetic concentrations of inhaled agents on hypercarbic
and hypoxic responses are controversial and seem to depend on the baseline state
of central nervous system arousal. Nevertheless, these findings may have important
clinical implications during the perioperative period.