Liver disease may have a significant impact on drug metabolism
and pharmacokinetics as a result of alterations in protein binding, reduced levels
of serum albumin and other drug-binding proteins, altered volume of distribution
because of ascites and increased total-body water compartments, and reduced metabolism
secondary to abnormal hepatocyte function. In addition, sedatives and opioids may
have exaggerated effects in patients with advanced liver disease and may either induce
or worsen hepatic encephalopathy.[51]
The impact
of chronic alcohol ingestion on hepatic enzyme induction may also influence the ultimate
effect of drugs in patients with cirrhosis.
The impact of liver disease on drug disposition depends not only
on the elimination pathways for a given drug but also on the severity of the underlying
hepatic dysfunction. The efficiency of drug removal by the liver is determined by
several factors, including hepatic blood flow, hepatic enzyme activity and efficiency,
the extent of plasma protein binding, cholestasis-induced alterations in the enterohepatic
circulation and metabolism of enteral drugs, and the presence of portosystemic shunts
that exclude certain drugs from elimination by the diseased liver.[52]
In addition, the influence of liver disease on drug elimination differs for enteral
and parenteral drugs.[51]
In general, severe liver
disease predictably alters the metabolism of drugs with large extraction ratios,
such as lidocaine and meperidine, where clearance is primarily dependent on hepatic
blood flow or portosystemic shunting. Conversely, the metabolism of low-extraction
drugs, such as the benzodiazepines, is influenced mainly by protein binding, where
unbound drug is available for elimination, and by intrinsic hepatic clearance and
metabolism, which is reduced in accordance with the severity of hepatocellular dysfunction.
an increased free fraction of a drug because of reduced levels of plasma proteins
may counter the impact of reduced hepatic metabolism and lead to modest changes in
the ultimate effect of the drug.[52]
Finally, greater
free fractions of available drug as a result of reduced protein binding may lead
to greater drug deposition in tissues (and a potentially increased volume of distribution),
which in conjunction with reduced hepatic metabolism may increase drug half-life.
It is thus evident that drug pharmacokinetics
in the presence of advanced liver disease is complex. The impact on different classes
of drugs is discussed separately.
The significantly reduced metabolism of morphine in patients with
advanced cirrhosis leads to a prolonged elimination half-life, markedly increased
bioavailability of orally administered morphine, decreased plasma protein binding,
and potentially exaggerated sedative and respiratory-depressant effects.[52]
Although extrahepatic metabolism may contribute to morphine clearance in patients
with cirrhosis, it is recommended that the administration interval be increased 1.5-
to 2-fold in these patients and the oral dose of the drug reduced because of increased
Similar changes occur with
meperidine, where a 50% reduction in clearance and a doubling of the half-life have
been observed. In addition, clearance of normeperidine is reduced, and
patients with severe liver disease may experience neuro-toxicity from accumulation
of normeperidine.[52]
In contrast to these drugs, fentanyl is a highly lipid-soluble
synthetic opioid that has a short duration of action after a single intravenous bolus
dose because of rapid redistribution into storage sites. With repeated administration
or continuous infusions, accumulation may occur and lead to prolonged effects.[52]
Because it is almost completely metabolized in the liver, its elimination should
be predictably prolonged in patients with advanced liver disease. However, limited
data suggest that fentanyl elimination is not appreciably altered in patients with
Whether the limited extent of liver disease in the study patients affected the pharmacokinetic
data or whether continuous infusions or repeated dosing in cirrhotic patients will
produce more exaggerated and pronounced effects is unknown.
Sufentanil, a more potent but similar synthetic lipophilic opioid,
is also extensively metabolized by the liver and is highly protein bound. Single-dose
pharmacokinetics is not significantly altered in patients with cirrhosis, although
the impact of continuous infusions and reduced protein binding is as ill defined
for sufentanil as for fentanyl.[54]
a short-acting opioid less potent than fentanyl, is also exclusively metabolized
by the liver and is highly protein bound.[52]
unlike fentanyl or sufentanil, the half-life of alfentanil is almost doubled in patients
with cirrhosis, and higher free fractions of the drug are observed, which can potentially
lead to a prolonged duration of action and enhanced effects.[55]
Remifentanil is a synthetic opioid with an
ester linkage that allows for rapid hydrolysis by blood and tissue esterases; such
hydrolysis leads to high clearance, rapid elimination, and recovery that is almost
independent of the dose or duration of infusions.[52]
Predictably, its clearance should be unaffected by hepatic dysfunction, and available
data indicate that remifentanil elimination is indeed unaltered in patients with
severe liver disease or in those undergoing liver transplantation.[52]