Diuretics are used widely in neurosurgery to reduce the volume
of the brain's intracellular and extracellular fluid compartments. It is probably
largely the extracellular compartment that is influenced because neurons and glia
have quick and efficient cell volume regulation mechanisms. Both osmotic and loop
diuretics have been used. Although data suggest that loop diuretics can be effective,
osmotic diuretics, principally mannitol, are
preferred clinically because of their speed and efficacy. The only osmotic diuretic
available in most formularies is mannitol, although urea once had its proponents.
However, urea is a smaller molecule that clearly has greater potential to enter
brain parenchyma. That is not to say that mannitol does not enter brain parenchyma.
Data indicate that it enters brain tissue and, over a reasonably short time course,
appears in the CSF space.[58]
The possibility that
the mannitol that gains access to the parenchyma can aggravate swelling has resulted
in varying degrees of reluctance among clinicians to administer mannitol.[59]
Most, nonetheless, find it a mainstay of ICP management. There is the concern that
it will be effective only when some degree of blood-brain barrier integrity is preserved
in a significant portion of the brain. Most clinicians respond to this concern by
making empirical use of mannitol; that is, if it is effective in reducing ICP or
improving conditions in the surgical field, repeated doses can be administered or
will be administered. If it is ineffective (or if serum osmolarity reaches the traditional
limit of 320 mOsm/L), its administration is withheld.
The dosages of mannitol used vary from 0.25 g/kg to 100 g "for
all comers." One gram per kilogram appears to be the most common dose. However,
a systematic study in head-injured patients demonstrated that an equivalent initial
ICP-reducing effect can be achieved with 0.25 g/kg, although that effect may not
be as sustained as with larger doses.[60]
Some clinicians advocate the combined administration of a loop
diuretic (usually furosemide) and an osmotic diuretic. The superficial rationale
is that mannitol establishes an osmotic gradient that draws fluid out of brain parenchyma
and that the furosemide, by hastening excretion of water from the intravascular space,
facilitates the maintenance of that gradient. A second mechanism may add additional
justification for the practice of combining the two diuretics. Neurons and glia,
as mentioned earlier, appear to have powerful homeostatic mechanisms to ensure regulation
of cell volume. Neurons and glia that shrink in response to increased osmolarity
in the external environment recover their volume rapidly as a consequence of the
accumulation of so-called idiogenic osmoles that serve to minimize the gradient between
the internal and external environment. One of these idiogenic osmoles is chloride.
It has been demonstrated in the laboratory that loop diuretics inhibit the chloride
channel through which this ion must pass and thereby retard the normal volume-restoring
The normal volume regulatory mechanisms of neurons and glia may
also be relevant to the phenomenon of rebound swelling. Rebound is commonly attributed
to the previous use of mannitol and assumed to be a function of the accumulation
of mannitol in cerebral tissue. Although this may be part of the story, the rebound
may in fact be "hypertonic rebound" rather than "mannitol rebound." It seems reasonable
to be concerned that after a sustained period of hyperosmolarity of any cause, rebound
swelling of neurons and glia (which have accumulated idiogenic osmoles) may occur
in the event that systemic osmolarity decreases rapidly toward normal levels. It
is certainly well known that rebound cerebral swelling can occur after an episode
of extreme blood glucose elevation. Accordingly, it should not be assumed that the
use of, for instance, hypertonic saline rather than mannitol will obviate this phenomenon.