Management of PaCO2
At the outset, the anesthesiologist and the surgeon should agree
on the objectives with respect to PaCO2
Induction of hypocapnia is a time-honored part of the management of intracranial
neurosurgical procedures. The rationale is principally that the concomitant reduction
in CBF (see Fig. 21-4
) and
CBV will result in a reduction in ICP, or "brain relaxation." The rationale is valid.
However, two considerations should influence the clinician's use of hyperventilation.
First, the vasoconstrictive effect of hypocapnia has the potential to cause ischemia
in certain situations. Second, the CBF-lowering effect is not sustained.
Hypocapnia-Induced Cerebral
At first, clinicians were skeptical that hyperventilation could
actually result in ischemia, and it does in fact appear that normal brain is unlikely
to be damaged by the typical clinical use of hyperventilation. However, such may
not be the case in certain pathologic conditions.
The available data[11]
indicate that in normal subjects, ischemia will not occur at a PaCO2
over 20 mm Hg. This generalization appears to also apply during induced hypotension.
However, physiologic alterations, as evidenced by both metabolic and electroencephalographic
(EEG) abnormalities, have been observed in human volunteers[14]
and in
normal animals[11]
at severe hypocapnia (PaCO2
<15 mm Hg) and in dogs subjected to the combination of extreme hypocapnia (PaCO2
of 10 mm Hg) and severe anemia (hemoglobin content of 5 g/dL).[13]
In one of these studies,[16]
EEG abnormalities
and paresthesias occurred in volunteers hyperventilating to PaCO2
values less than 20 mm Hg, and these effects were reversed by hyperbaric oxygenation,
thus suggesting that they may truly have been caused by ischemia. In two separate
investigations in cats at PaCO2
of 10 to 12 mm Hg,[11]
modest reductions in brain phosphocreatine levels with increased brain lactate but
normal adenosine triphosphate levels were observed. It has been suggested[18]
that the changes observed may in part reflect pH-related alterations in enzyme function
(specifically, an increase in the activity of phosphofructokinase causing increased
lactate formation)[22]
rather than ischemia. Accordingly,
given that a PaCO2
of less than 20 to
25 mm Hg offers very little additional benefit in terms of improvement in intracranial
compliance, it seems prudent to limit acute PaCO2
reduction to 25 mm Hg in previously normocapnic individuals. Normal brain will not
be injured by this degree of hypocapnia.
Although preventing herniation, maintaining ICP under 20 mm Hg,
minimizing retractor pressure, and facilitating surgical access remain priorities
that may justify hypocapnia, evidence is also accumulating that hyperventilation
is potentially deleterious[23]
and should not be overused. In the setting of head injury, there is evidence that
hyperventilation can result in ischemia,[25]
when baseline CBF is low,[37]
as is commonly the
case in the first 24 hours after injury.[28]
An increased frequency of brain regions with
very low CBF has been demonstrated in head-injured patients who were acutely hyperventilated.
In addition, from centers that monitor jugular
venous oxygen saturation (SjvO2
), there
have been numerous observations that low SjvO2
values can be increased and that lactate levels in the jugular venous effluent can
be decreased by reducing the degree of hyperventilation,[28]
although the inability of SjvO2
to detect ischemia consistently has also been reported.[35]
However, at present, there is little information
to confirm a deleterious effect of hyperventilation. The closest thing to "proof"
resides in a study of patients with moderate head injuries by Muizelaar and colleagues.
These authors divided patients into a near-normocapnic
group in which PaCO2
was maintained at
approximately 35 mm Hg, a hypocapnic group in which PaCO2
was maintained in the vicinity of 25 mm Hg, and a third group in which carbon dioxide
tension was maintained at 25 mm Hg and the buffer tromethamine was administered.
Tromethamine is a buffer that can cross the blood-brain barrier, and it has been
theorized that tromethamine can attenuate the adverse effect of the reduction in
bicarbonate levels in CSF and brain extracellular fluid that occurs with chronic
hyperventilation. They examined outcomes 3 and 6 months after injury and observed
a poorer status in a post hoc subpopulation of the hyperventilation group. That
subpopulation included patients with the best initial motor scores, specifically,
a subgroup in which the severity of injury was such that they merited intubation
by conventional criteria but whose clinical condition may have been such that hyperventilation
was not necessarily required for control of ICP and who therefore had little to gain
from hyperventilation.
Accordingly, hyperventilation should not be an automatic component
of every "neuroanesthetic." It should be treated like any other therapeutic intervention.
There should be an indication for instituting it (usually elevated or uncertain
ICP or the need to improve conditions in the surgical field, or both). Hyperventilation
should be used with the knowledge that it has the potential for causing an adverse
effect, and as is the case with any other therapeutic intervention, it should be
withdrawn as the indication for it subsides. The concern regarding the hazards of
hypocapnia, which evolved in the context of head injury,[27]
has influenced all of neurosurgery. In particular, it is now widely avoided in the
management of SAH because of the postictal low-CBF state that is known to occur.
In addition, brain tissue beneath retractors
can have a similarly reduced CBF.[32]
Duration of Hypocapnia-Induced Reduction in CBF
The effect of hypocapnia on CBF is not sustained. Figure
is a nonquantitative representation of changes in CBF and CSF pH occurring
in association with a sustained period of hyperventilation. With the onset of hyperventilation,
the pH of both CSF and the brain's extracellular fluid space increases, and CBF decreases
abruptly. However, the cerebral alkalosis is not sustained. By alterations in function
of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, the concentration of bicarbonate in CSF and the
brain's extracellular fluid space is reduced, and in a time course of 6 to 18 hours,
the pH of these compartments returns to normal.[47]
Pari passu, CBF returns toward normal levels.[47]
The implications are twofold. First, the
should ideally hyperventilate patients for only as long as a reduction in brain volume
is required. Prolonged, but unnecessary hyperventilation may lead to a circumstance
wherein subsequent clinical events call for additional maneuvers to reduce the volume
of the intracranial contents. However, if carbon dioxide tension is already in the
23- to 25-mm Hg range, it would be difficult to impose sufficient additional hyperventilation
to once again accomplish the original reduction in CBF without the hazard of pulmonary
barotrauma. Second, in a patient who has been hyperventilated for a sustained period
(e.g., 2 days in an ICU setting), rapid restoration of carbon dioxide tension from
values in the vicinity of 25 to typical normal values (e.g., 40 mm Hg) should ideally
be accomplished slowly. A sudden increase in carbon dioxide tension from 25 to 40
mm Hg in an individual who has been
Figure 53-6
Changes in PaCO2
cerebral blood flow (CBF), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pH with prolonged hyperventilation.
Whereas the decreased arterial PaCO2
(and the systemic alkalosis) persist for the duration of the period of hyperventilation,
the pH of the brain and CBF return toward normal over a period of 8 to 12 hours.
chronically hyperventilated will have the same physiologic effect that a rapid change
from 40 to 55 mm Hg would have in a previously normocapnic subject.
If hypocapnia has been required as an adjunct to brain relaxation
during craniotomy, PaCO2
should also be
allowed to rise once the retractors are removed (if dural closure requirements permit)
to minimize the residual intracranial pneumatocele (see the later section "Pneumocephalus").