Preoperative Preparation and Monitoring
Surgical TAA repair requires extensive preoperative planning.
The evaluation and management of coexisting cardiac and pulmonary disease are previously
discussed in this chapter. Before the day of surgery, the anesthesiologist and the
vascular surgeon should discuss the following issues: extent of the aneurysm and
technique of surgical repair, plans for distal aortic perfusion, spinal cord ischemia
monitoring, renal and spinal cord protection, hemodynamic monitoring, and ventilation
I routinely have 15 units of packed red blood cells and 15 units
of thawed fresh frozen plasma immediately available in the operating room, and additional
units are readily obtainable. I use a large cooler to store blood products on ice
in the operating room so that they can be returned to the blood bank if not used.
Platelets should be available as well. A dedicated critical care technician is
helpful in assisting with laboratory testing and retrieving products from the blood
Large-bore intravenous access is obviously important, especially
if partial bypass (in contrast to full bypass) is planned, because it is difficult
or impossible for the perfusionist to administer fluid or blood products into the
closed circuit. I usually insert three 8.5F catheters into the internal jugular
and antecubital veins. One of these accepts the pulmonary artery catheter, and the
other two are connected to a rapid infuser system (RIS, Haemonetics, Braintree, MA).
This system allows the delivery of up to 1500 mL/min of blood products at a temperature
of 37 to 38°C. A right radial arterial catheter is used for aneurysms of the
descending thoracic aorta because occasionally the cross-clamp is placed proximal
to the left subclavian artery, occluding flow to the left upper extremity. When
distal aortic perfusion techniques are used, I monitor arterial blood pressure distal
to the cross-clamps. This can be accomplished with the placement of a right femoral
arterial catheter, or the surgical team can place a catheter directly into the femoral
artery or distal aorta. This catheter monitors perfusion pressure to the kidneys,
spinal cord, and mesenteric circulation during the time when the cross-clamps are
high on the descending aorta, and the lower body is perfused by a shunt or bypass
circuit. The radial and femoral arterial pressures should be simultaneously displayed
on the anesthesiologist's monitor and a monitor visible to the surgeons and the perfusionists.
TEE is used routinely during TAA repair (see Chapter
). When used by a properly trained individual, assessment of left ventricular
end-diastolic volume, myocardial ischemia, and valvular function is possible. It
is also possible to determine the size and the extent of the aneurysm.
A double-lumen endobronchial tube should be inserted for the purpose
of one-lung ventilation (see Chapter
One-lung ventilation provides optimal visualization of the surgical field and reduces
retraction-related trauma to the left lung. A left-sided endobronchial tube is optimal
because it is more easily positioned and less likely to become malpositioned. There
is risk of occluding the right upper lobe bronchus with a right-sided tube. I position
all double-lumen tubes under direct vision using a fiberoptic bronchoscope. This
facilitates quick and definitive placement, and allows direct visualization of the
distal trachea and main stem bronchi. Occasionally, when the left mainstem bronchus
is compressed by a large aneurysm,[338]
the lumen
does not accommodate an endobronchial tube. In this situation, a right-sided endobronchial
tube might be necessary. Rarely, the right mainstem bronchus may be compressed by
a large aneurysm.[339]
The double-lumen tube is
usually changed, if possible, to a single-lumen tube at the completion of surgery.
This facilitates intensive care unit management of pulmonary hygiene and reduces
the resistance to breathing during weaning in the postoperative period. The airway
is often edematous after surgery, and it may be difficult or impossible to change
the double-lumen tube without tube-changing catheters.
Many centers use electrophysiologic monitoring with somatosensory
evoked potentials (SSEPs) or motor evoked potentials (MEPs), or both, to monitor
for spinal cord ischemia (see Chapter
). These monitoring techniques may be helpful in identifying the important
intercostal arteries that perfuse the spinal cord and confirming successful reimplantation
into the aortic graft.[340]
If ischemia is identified,
cross-clamps can often be moved, upper or lower body blood pressure can be increased
to provide perfusion through collaterals, or other measures may be taken to protect
the cord (i.e., cerebrospinal fluid [CSF] drainage, induced hypothermia, or intrathecal
pharmacologic agents). These techniques are discussed later. There are three general
problems with SSEP monitoring when used during TAA repair. First, sensory monitoring
is more likely to detect lateral and posterior sensory column ischemia and is a poor
monitor for the anterior motor column. As a result, paraplegia can occur despite
normal SSEP signals.[341]
Second, inhaled anesthetics
and hypothermia[343]
can significantly interfere with SSEP signals. Third, ischemia affects peripheral
nerves, and ischemia to the lower extremities delays conduction from the usual stimulation
sites (e.g., posterior tibial nerve).[344]
To eliminate
the peripheral nerves as a confounding factor, spinal stimulation through a lumbar
epidural electrode can be used, which may be more specific for ischemic injury than
is peripheral monitoring.[344]
Lower extremity
and peripheral nerve ischemia can be avoided with the use of distal aortic perfusion
techniques. To avoid lower extremity ischemia due to occlusion of the left femoral
artery at the insertion site of the retrograde perfusion cannula, my colleagues and
I suture a small-caliber graft onto the femoral artery (end-to-side) for cannula
insertion, which allows antegrade and retrograde perfusion. These limitations of
SSEP monitoring outlined above likely account for the lack of improvement in neurologic
outcome in a large prospective series of TAA repairs.[345]
In this same series, the incidence of false-negative responses was 13% and false-positive
responses 67%, making identification of critical spinal arteries impossible.
The transcranial MEP technique has been used successfully to monitor
the anterior columns of the spinal cord.[340]
The technique is relatively simple and can
be viewed as a "train-of-four" for the brain and spinal cord. Electrical stimulation
over the motor cortex activates α-motor neurons, and evoked electromyographic
responses are obtained in lower extremity muscle. Only electromyogenic responses
are specific for the status of the motor neurons in the anterior horn gray matter.
We place bilateral recording needles in the popliteal fossae (i.e., popliteal nerve)
and bilateral surface electrodes over the gastrocnemii and tibialis anterior muscles.
We place bilateral stimulating needles in the popliteal fossae to monitor direct
muscle responses and level of neuromuscular blockade. During aortic cross-clamping,
MEPs are monitored every minute. A reduction of MEP amplitude to less than 25% of
baseline is considered an indication of spinal cord ischemia and requires corrective
measures. Because signal averaging is not required and the anterior horn cells react
with an almost immediate functional loss after the onset of ischemia, the technique
can be used to rapidly identify intercostal arteries supplying the spinal cord.
The technique can be used to evaluate adequacy of distal aortic perfusion and patency
of reimplanted critical intercostal arteries. Careful titration of a short-acting
neuromuscular blocker is required to maintain a stable level of neuromuscular blockade.
Complete neuromuscular blockade makes MEP monitoring impossible. I use a continuous
infusion technique to maintain electrical muscle amplitude of approximately 30% of
baseline. Isoflurane,[348]
and nitrous oxide[351]
depress synaptic conduction and significantly decrease the amplitude of myogenic
MEPs. Although modifications of the stimulating technique have improved monitoring
with inhaled anesthetics somewhat, a total intravenous anesthetic technique may be
optimal. Fentanyl[352]
and ketamine[353]
have little effect on myogenic MEPs and have been successfully used as a combined
anesthetic in a large series of patients undergoing TAA repair with MEP monitoring.
This series of 210 consecutive patients had
the lowest rate of neurologic deficit (2.4%) and permanent paraplegia (1.4%) reported.
Body temperature should be monitored at two sites (core and peripheral)
to assess cooling and warming when bypass techniques are used. There is an important
difference, however, between full and partial bypass with regard to temperature monitoring.
With full bypass, perfusion is usually into
the ascending aorta, and typically the upper body core temperature (i.e., nasopharynx
or esophagus) cools and warms fastest, whereas the lower body temperature changes
more slowly. With partial bypass, the opposite is true. The blood from bypass is
returned into the femoral artery, and the lower body (i.e., rectum or bladder) changes
before the upper body changes. This difference is important to recognize to achieve
complete cooling and warming because the lagging temperature should be the end point
for cooling and warming.