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Approaches Requiring Less Than a Complete Crossmatch

Type and Screen

The term type and screen refers to elimination of the crossmatch in which blood is set aside with only the ABO-Rh type having been determined and antibody screening having been performed. The type and screen without crossmatch determines the ABO-Rh of the patient and the presence of the most commonly found unexpected antibodies. Specifically, the patient's serum is screened for the presence of unexpected antibiotics by incubating it with selected reagent RBCs (i.e., screen cells).[39] These cells contain all antigens capable of inducing clinically significant RBC antibody reactions.

Complete transfusion testing for compatibility between donor and recipient blood ensures optimal safety and therapeutic effect of transfused blood. In some cases, however, the crossmatch is eliminated, and blood can be set aside in which only the ABO-Rh type and antibody screen are performed (i.e., type and screen). For those few patients in whom the antibody screen reveals the presence of unexpected antibody, the antibody is subsequently identified in the blood bank, and units of blood lacking the corresponding antigen are set aside for surgery. If an emergency transfusion is required after type and screen alone, an immediate-phase crossmatch is performed before transfusion to eliminate reactions that may result from human errors in ABO-Rh typing. Blood given in this manner is more than 99% effective in preventing incompatible transfusion reactions due to unexpected antibodies.[40] The type and screen without the complete crossmatch does not protect against reactions due to antibodies reactive against lower-incidence antigens, those not represented on the screening cells but present on the donor RBCs. Generally, antibodies that are not detected in the type and screen are weakly reactive antibodies that do not result in serious hemolytic transfusion reactions. In a study of 13,950 patients, Oberman and associates[41] discovered only eight "clinically significant" antibodies after complete crossmatch that were not detected during the antibody screening. The antibodies were all in lower titer and were believed by Oberman and coworkers to be unlikely to cause serious hemolytic reactions.

Type and screen should not be confused with the term type and hold. The latter term refers to a sample of blood from a potential blood recipient received by the blood bank in which the blood type but no crossmatch has been ordered. This term is misleading because it does not denote how long the blood should be held, nor does it indicate that an antibody screen has been performed on the sample. However, in most cases in which a type and hold has been ordered, an antibody screen is performed on that sample. Because of the confusion that has arisen with type and screen, the type and hold terminology and method of ordering blood have been abandoned by most blood banks.

Maximal Surgical Blood Order Schedule

Routine preoperative crossmatching of blood for surgical cases means that crossmatched blood is unavailable for others for 24 to 48 hours. During this time, 1 to 2 days is lost, and the chance for outdating increases. A second aspect relates to the growing realization that, for certain elective surgical procedures, the number of crossmatched units that are ordered frequently far exceeds the number actually transfused. To quantify this problem better, the crossmatch-to-transfusion (C/T) ratio has been used. If the C/T ratio is high, the blood bank is burdened with keeping a large blood inventory, using excessive personnel time, and having a high incidence of outdated units. Sarma[42] recommended that for surgical procedures in which the average number of units transfused per case is less than 0.5, determination of the ABO-Rh type and a screen of the patient serum for unexpected antibodies (type and screen) should be used. This would be in lieu of a complete type and crossmatch for patients with negative antibody screens. For those with a positive antibody screen, the blood bank must provide compatible units that lack the corresponding antigen. Blood banks attempt to maintain C/T ratios of 2.1 to 2.7.[42] To increase the rate of use and lower the C/T ratio, blood banks attempt to decrease the emphasis on crossmatching of blood through such means as the type and screen and such programs as the maximal surgical blood order schedule.[43] This schedule consists of a list of surgical procedures and the maximum number of units of blood that the blood bank will crossmatch for each procedure. This schedule is based on the blood transfusion experience for surgical cases in hospitals in which the schedule is employed. Each hospital's maximal surgical blood order schedule is developed by the suppliers and the users of blood in that hospital, such as blood bankers, anesthesiologists, and surgeons.

Is the Crossmatch Really Needed?

In previously transfused or pregnant patients, only about 1 patient in 100 may have an irregular antibody other than the anti-A and anti-B antibodies. However, some of these irregular antibodies are reactive only at temperatures

below 30°C and therefore are insignificant in most transfusions. Others that are reactive at about 30°C can produce serious reactions if the transfused cells contain appropriate antigen. In order of probable significance, anti-Rh(D), Kell, C, E, and Kidd are the most common of clinically significant antibodies. After anti-A and anti-B, anti-Rh(D) is the most common significant antibody. If the correct ABO and Rh blood type is given, the possibility of transfusing incompatible blood is less than 1 chance in 1000. Put in other terms, ABO-Rh typing alone results in a 99.8% chance of a compatible transfusion, the addition of an antibody screen increases the safety to 99.94%, and a crossmatch increases this to 99.95%.[44]

The blood bank can reduce the chance of incompatibility by performing an antibody screen. The chance of this screening test's missing an antibody that is potentially dangerous has been estimated to be no more than 1 in 10,000.

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