Further Evaluation
If there is suspicion of undetected disease, such as an airway
tumor, or if the impact of such a tumor or an infection on airway management is not
clear, consultation should be obtained for indirect or fiberoptic laryngoscopy.
These may be the only methods to detect occult but life-threatening problems such
as lingual tonsillar hyperplasia. Serious doubt about an airway may justify the
presence of an otolaryngologist during induction to establish an airway surgically,
if necessary.
The chest radiograph may reveal problems undetected by the history
and physical examination. Lateral and anteroposterior cervical spine films should
be obtained if the bony spine or joints may be a source of difficulty or if there
is suspected encroachment on the airway. Computed tomography (CT) has been employed
to evaluate the involvement of the trachea, bronchi, and cardiovascular structures
in mediastinal tumors.[12]
Other means of airway
assessment with magnetic resonance imaging have been used. However, simple measures
such as flow-volume loops provide detection and assessment of the physiologic importance
of extrathoracic or intrathoracic obstructive lesions.