- The structural diversity of inhaled anesthetics suggests that they all
do not interact directly with a single, specific receptor site.
- Any molecular hypothesis of anesthesia must explain the effects of anesthetics
on the whole organism. Physical or biochemical changes important to the
mechanism of anesthesia must occur within seconds of anesthetic administration and
be rapidly reversible on removal of the anesthetic.
- Potencies of inhaled anesthetics depend on the end point measured. The
best-characterized measurement of anesthetic potency is MAC, the minimum alveolar
concentration of an agent that produces immobility in 50% of subjects exposed to
a noxious stimulus.
- Inhaled anesthetics have presynaptic and postsynaptic effects in the brain
and spinal cord. The ability of anesthetics to prevent a motor response to noxious
stimulation results from a site of action in the spinal cord.
- Many excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters and their receptors have
an influence on the anesthetic requirement. However, the predominant effects of
inhaled anesthetics cannot be explained by the depletion, production, or release
of a single neuromodulator in the CNS.
- The Meyer-Overton rule describes the correlation between lipid solubility
and anesthetic potency. Because of this correlation, the search for the molecular
bases of anesthetic action has often focused on cellular hydrophobic regions.
- Clinical concentrations of inhaled anesthetics (i.e., about one anesthetic
molecule for every 80 membrane phospholipid molecules) produce only modest changes
in membrane lipid structure and function.
- The Meyer-Overton rule is imperfect, and many exceptions exist. Nonimmobilizers
are lipid soluble compounds that fail to produce immobility in response to a noxious
stimulus but do impair learning and memory.
- The ultimate action of inhaled anesthetics is on specific neuronal membrane
proteins that permit the translocation of ions during membrane excitation. Although
this probably occurs by a direct binding of anesthetics to membrane protein channels
or their surrounding lipids, or both, the possibility remains that inhaled anesthetics
act indirectly through production of a second messenger.
- The ability of inhaled anesthetics to modulate ion flow through neurotransmitter
receptor-channel complexes can be markedly altered by selective single amino acid
mutations in protein channels. These critical amino acids may form the specific
binding sites for inhaled anesthetics.