Extracellular hydrogen ion concentration appears to be tightly
controlled by the body. This should be viewed in terms of volatile and metabolic
acids. A variety of intracellular and extracellular weak acid buffering systems
have developed to prevent rapid changes in the electrochemical balance in the extracellular
space from interfering with transcellular ion pumps. A buffer
is a solution of two or more chemicals that minimizes changes in pH in response to
the addition of an acid or base. Most buffers are weak acids. Ideally, a buffer
has a pKa
that is equal to the pH, and
an ideal body buffer has a pKa
6.8 and 7.2.
The major source of acid in the body is CO2
, from which
is produced 12,500 mEq of H+
each day. This is excreted by the lungs.
In contrast, only 20 to 70 mEq of H+
-promoting anions are excreted through
the kidney each day. Volatile acid is principally buffered by hemoglobin. Deoxygenated
hemoglobin is a strong base, and there would be a huge rise in the pH of venous blood
if hemoglobin did not bind hydrogen ions (derived from oxidative metabolism). Venous
blood contains 1.68 mmol/L of extra CO2
over arterial blood: 65% as HCO3
and H+
bound to hemoglobin, 27% as carbaminohemoglobin (i.e., CO2
bound to hemoglobin), and 8% dissolved.
easily passes through cell membranes. Within the
erythrocyte, CO2
combines with H2
O under the influence of carbonic
anhydrase to form H2
, which ionizes to hydrogen and bicarbonate.
Hydrogen ions bind to histidine residues on deoxyhemoglobin, and bicarbonate is
actively pumped out of the cell. Chloride moves inward to maintain electroneutrality
(i.e., chloride shift). Large increases in PCO2
(i.e., respiratory acidosis) overwhelm this system, leading to a rapid, dramatic
drop in pH. The metabolic compensation3
for respiratory acidosis is increased SID by removal of chloride from the extracellular
space, initially transcellularly and subsequently through urinary loss. There is
a concomitant increase in [HCO3
], often misrepresented as
compensation for the increase in PaCO2
] is a dependent variable, which increases or decreases
with PCO2
. The rate of conversion of
to HCO3
depends on carbonic anhydrase activity
and occurs slowly. It is possible to mathematically determine whether a rise in
is acute or long-standing (see Table
Metabolic acid is buffered principally by increased alveolar ventilation,
producing respiratory alkalosis and extracellular weak acids. These weak acids include
plasma proteins, phosphate, and bicarbonate. The bicarbonate buffering system (92%
of plasma buffering and 13% overall) is probably the most important extracellular
buffer. The pKa
of bicarbonate is relatively
low (6.1), but the system derives its importance because of the enormous quantity
of CO2
in the body. The coupling of bicarbonate and H2
O produces
, which is then excreted through the lungs. There is an increase in
alveolar ventilation. Physicians must be aware of the importance of this compensatory
mechanism. For example, anesthetized or critically ill patients on controlled mechanical
ventilation lose the capacity to regulate their own PCO2
Consequently, the combination of acute metabolic and respiratory acidosis can cause
a devastating reduction in pH.
The major effect of the kidney on acid-base balance is related
to renal handling of sodium and chloride ions. Because dietary intake of sodium
and chloride is roughly equal, the kidney excretes a net chloride load, using NH4
a weak cation, to accompany chloride (electrochemically) in the urine.
In metabolic acidosis, chloride is preferentially excreted by
the kidney. In metabolic alkalosis, chloride is retained, and sodium and potassium
are excreted. The presence of bicarbonate in the urine reflects the needs to maintain
electrical neutrality. In renal tubular acidosis, there is an inability to excrete
in proportion to Na+
. The diagnosis can be made by observing
a hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis with inappropriately low levels of Cl-
in the urine; the urinary SID is positive. If the urinary SID is negative, the process
is not renal. The other causes of hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis are gastrointestinal
losses (e.g., diarrhea, small bowel or pancreatic drainage), parenteral nutrition,
excessive administration of saline; and the use of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.