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The value of the Stewart approach is that it allows us to use a simple model for explaining acid-based disturbances, because all abnormalities can be explained in terms of SID, ATOT , or PCO2 . Traditionally, acid-base disturbances have been classified as caused by alterations in arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO2 ) tension (e.g., respiratory acidosis or alkalosis), and alterations in blood chemistry metabolic acidosis, or alkalosis. This remains a useful classification, although respiratory and metabolic abnormalities rarely occur independently of one another.


Respiratory Acid-Base Abnormalities

Respiratory acidosis occurs when there is an acute rise in PaCO2 , principally because of respiratory failure (see Chapter 74 and Chapter 75 ). Clinically, there are signs of CO2 retention: cyanosis, vasodilatation, and narcosis. Respiratory alkalosis occurs when there is an acute decrease in PaCO2 caused by hyperventilation. The patient presents with symptoms and signs of vasoconstriction: light-headedness, visual disturbances, dizziness, and perhaps hypocalcemia because of increased binding of calcium to albumin. The latter condition is caused by an increase in the available negative charge on albumin in alkaline states. Acute hypocalcemia is associated with paresthesia and tetany.

Respiratory acidosis causes a rapid increase in [H+ ]. Compensation for hypercarbia is slow, requiring increased urinary excretion of chloride. [8] There is a concomitant increase in the serum bicarbonate, reflecting a higher total CO2 load, rather than compensation. The acuity of respiratory failure can be deduced by looking at the relative ratio of CO2 to HCO3 - ( Table 41-1 ). Many investigators have suggested that respiratory acidosis may not necessarily be harmful. There has been extensive clinical experience with "permissive hypercapnia" for acute respiratory failure, which appears to be well tolerated.[9] [11] [12]

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