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Factors Independently Influencing Water Dissociation

After considering the factors that can influence the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution—strong ions, weak acids, and CO2 —we can combine the derived equations to solve for [H+ ]:
Water dissociation equilibrium: [H+ × [OH- ] = KW
Weak acid dissociation equilibrium: [H+ ] × [A- ] = KA × [HA]
Conservation of mass for weak acids: [HA] + [A- ] = [ATOT ]
Bicarbonate ion formation equilibrium: [H+ ] × [HCO3 - ] = KC × PCO2
Carbonate ion formation equilibrium: [H+ ] × [CO3 2- ] = K3 × [HCO3 - ]
Electrical neutrality: [SID] + [H+ ] - [HCO3 - ] - [A- ] - [CO3 2- ] - [OH- ] = 0

There are six independent simultaneous equations and just six unknown, dependent variables determined by them: [HA], [A- ], [HCO3 - ], [CO3 2- ], [OH- ], and [H+ ]. There are three known independent variables: [SID], [ATOT ], and PCO2 .

Although these equations look relatively simple, they require fourth-order polynomials for solution. This is not possible without computer technology. Solving the equations for [H+ ]:

[H+ ]4 + ([SID] + KA ) × [H+ ]3 + (KA × ([SID] − [ATOT ]) − KwKc × PCO2 ) × [H+ ]2 − (KA × (Kw + Kc × PCO2 ) − K3 × Kc × PCO2 ) × [H+ ] − KA × K3 × Kc × PCO2 = 0

In other words, [H+ ] is a function of SID, ATOT , PCO2 , and several constants. All other variables, most notably [H+ ], [OH- ], and [HCO3 - ], are dependent and cannot independently influence the acid-base balance.

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