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Genetic Studies

Genetic approaches to anesthetic mechanisms involve the alternatives of forward versus reverse genetics.[166] In forward genetics, untargeted mutations are randomly generated and are chosen for study because they produce lines of animals that are markedly sensitive or resistant to anesthetics. In reverse genetics, the focus is on a particular gene that is thought to be important in the production of anesthesia, with mutations in a cloned copy of the gene resulting in organisms that can be tested for altered anesthetic sensitivities. Most genetic studies have involved three different types of organisms: nematodes (Caenorhabditis elegans), fruit flies (Drosophila), and rodents. Nematodes and fruit flies are advantageous in genetic studies because of their well-mapped genomes, defined nervous systems, short life cycles, and relatively low cost. However, the behavioral assays used to assess anesthetic potencies in these simpler organisms may be difficult to relate to the anesthetic-induced immobility and amnesia in patients during surgical anesthesia.

Caenorhabditis elegans

The potencies of inhaled anesthetics in wild-type C. elegans parallel those found in higher animals.[167] Although certain behavioral end points (e.g., mating, chemotaxis, coordinated movement) are disrupted at clinical anesthetic concentrations, anesthetic-induced immobility of

nematodes requires anesthetic concentrations of about 5 to 10 MAC in humans.[167] Mutants of C. elegans have been developed that are hypersensitive to clinical anesthetics, with the genes involved encoding a homolog of the human protein stomatin (i.e., controlling sodium and potassium flux across membranes) or encoding a subunit of the electron transport chain.[167] Other mutations in C. elegans in genes that encode presynaptic proteins that regulate transmitter release produce resistance to inhaled anesthetics.[168] The similar properties of nonimmobilizing agents (see Fig. 4-10 ) in C. elegans and mammals support the use of C. elegans as a model for the study of anesthetic action.[169]


Potencies of inhaled anesthetics in wild-type Drosophila (measured by response to mechanical or heat stimuli or disruption of coordinated movement) approximate those required for surgical anesthesia. Mutants have been obtained that are resistant and sensitive to various anesthetics,[170] [171] with anesthetic sensitivity depending on the agent examined and the end point measured.[171] Mutations that affect ion channels change the sensitivity of Drosophila to volatile anesthetics in a manner suggesting an agent-specific action through different neuronal pathways. For example, genetic inactivation of one class of potassium channel decreases the potency of halothane in a brain circuit of Drosophila. [172]


A naturally occurring variability in anesthetic potency exists among strains of mice and rats. The antinociceptive effect of nitrous oxide and the development of tolerance vary markedly among different strains of rats.[165] Anesthetic potencies (i.e., MACs) of a given anesthetic (i.e., desflurane, isoflurane, or halothane) measured in 15 mouse strains differed by 39% to 55%.[173] Such findings imply that multiple genes underlie the observed variability in anesthetic potency[173] but do not identify the genetic or biochemical differences between strains that are responsible for the differences in anesthetic requirement.

With selective breeding, use is made of the fact that the anesthetic requirement varies slightly among animals of a given species and that members resistant or vulnerable to anesthesia may be found in a normal population. Mice have been selected from a normal population with consistently high and consistently low nitrous oxide righting-reflex ED50 .[174] Repeating the process of selection, breeding, and testing for the nitrous oxide requirement through 15 generations produced two lines of mice with requirements separated by as much as 1 atm ( Fig. 4-15 ). [8] [174] Mice resistant to nitrous oxide also have a higher requirement for other inhaled anesthetics, but the separation in righting-reflex ED50 values between the two lines is inversely related to the lipid solubility of the anesthetic.[8] The differences in nitrous oxide requirement between these lines of mice could not be explained by an alteration in synaptic membrane fatty acid, phospholipid, or cholesterol composition[174] but is associated with a higher brain norepinephrine content in resistant compared with susceptible mice.[175]

An alternative genetic approach is to knock out a gene in embryonic stem cells thought to be important for the

Figure 4-15 The nitrous oxide righting-reflex 50% effective dose (ED50 ) values for male (closed symbols) and female (open symbols) offspring of mice selectively bred for resistance (HI group, circles) or susceptibility (LO group, triangles) to nitrous oxide anesthesia. The nitrous oxide requirements for HI and LO mice became progressively more separated over 15 generations of selective breeding. Standard errors about most points are less than 0.03 atm. Values for generations 1 through 10 are taken from references [8] and [174] .

anesthetic state and examine anesthetic sensitivity in mice that lack functional genes. Targeted disruption of the neuronal nitric oxide synthase gene has no influence on isoflurane MAC or isoflurane righting-reflex ED50 in knock-out compared with wild-type mice.[84] Unlike wild-type mice, acute administration of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors does not decrease anesthetic requirement in these knock-out mice, suggesting that other non-nitric oxide mechanisms exist in the knock-out mice to compensate for the mutation.[84] Mice lacking the neuronal isoform of the protein kinase C gene demonstrate a small increased resistance to isoflurane but not to halothane or desflurane.[176] The sevoflurane requirement (i.e., MAC) is 20% lower in mice that lack the μ-opioid receptor compared with wild-type control mice.[177] Knock-out mice devoid of functional α2A -adrenoreceptors exhibit reduced isoflurane antinociception, indicating that this receptor subtype at least partially mediates isoflurane antinociception.[61] Mice lacking a particular
glutamate receptor subunit (i.e., GluR2) have a decreased requirement for volatile anesthetics to produce loss of the righting reflex, whereas MAC values are unaltered in these animals.[178] Mice with glycine receptor subunit mutations may be more sensitive or resistant to volatile anesthetics, depending on the anesthesia end point and anesthetic examined.[179] Gene knock-out of the α6 -subunit of the GABA receptor does not alter MAC or righting-reflex ED50 for enflurane or halothane, implying that this particular subunit of the GABA receptor is not important in the behavioral responses to volatile anesthetics.[180] Mice that lack the β3 -subunit of the GABAA receptor demonstrate higher MAC values for enflurane and halothane but no change in righting-reflex ED50 for these anesthetics.[181] The similar enflurane sensitivity in spinal cords isolated from mice lacking the β3 -subunit of the GABAA receptor compared with wild-type controls and the decreased role of GABAA receptors in mediating the actions of enflurane in the mutant mice[182] point out a limitation in the use of knock-out mice. Results from knock-out mice can be difficult to interpret, because mice may adapt to the absence of a gene product by altering the amounts of other receptors or neuroregulators that influence anesthetic requirement. Future genetic approaches to the study of anesthetic mechanisms will involve the use of conditional gene knock-outs selective to specific brain regions or developmental stages and a knock-in technique to introduce a mutation into a specific receptor subunit that alters anesthetic requirement without altering other physiologic functions.

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