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Intraoperative thermoregulatory vasoconstriction, once triggered, is remarkably effective in preventing further

core hypothermia.[38] [46] Nonetheless, most patients are poikilothermic during surgery because they do not become sufficiently hypothermic to trigger thermoregulatory responses.[21] [22] [24] [25] Therefore, intraoperative hypothermia can be minimized by any technique that limits cutaneous heat loss to the environment as a result of cold operating rooms, evaporation from surgical incisions, and conductive cooling produced by the administration of cold intravenous fluids.

Mean body temperature will decrease when heat loss to the environment exceeds metabolic heat production. Heat production during anesthesia is approximately 0.8 kcal/kg/hr. Because the specific heat of the human body is about 0.83 kcal/kg, [151] body temperature decreases approximately 1°C/hr when heat lost to the environment exceeds metabolic production by a factor of 2. Normally, about 90% of metabolic heat is lost through the skin surface. During anesthesia, additional heat is lost directly from surgical incisions and by the administration of cold intravenous fluids.

Effects of Vasomotor Tone on Heat Transfer

Thermoregulatory vasodilation causes the initial core-to-peripheral redistribution of body heat[57] ; similarly, re-emergence of vasoconstriction in patients becoming sufficiently hypothermic produces a core temperature plateau.[46] It is thus evident that vasomotor tone alters intercompartmental heat transfer. In addition to thermoregulatory arteriovenous shunt status, arteriolar tone is directly modulated by anesthetics per se.[54] Both factors potentially influence the speed with which peripherally applied heat reaches the core thermal compartment.

Thermoregulatory vasoconstriction slightly impairs induction of therapeutic hypothermia during neurosurgery.[152] However, arteriovenous shunt tone has little effect on intraoperative cooling[153] or heating.[154] Intraoperative vasoconstriction thus only slightly impedes peripheral-to-core transfer of cutaneous heating and cooling. Little clinical effect presumably results because intraoperative thermoregulatory vasoconstriction is opposed by direct anesthetic-induced peripheral vasodilation.

During postanesthetic recovery, however, the situation differs markedly. Here, anesthetic-induced peripheral dilation[54] [155] dissipates, with thermoregulatory vasoconstriction left unopposed. As might be expected, this vasoconstriction then becomes an important factor and significantly impairs transfer of peripherally applied heat to the core thermal compartment. Patients with a residual spinal anesthetic block thus warm considerably faster than those recovering from general anesthesia alone ( Fig. 40-17 ).[156] Heat balance studies indicate that core warming is slowed because vasoconstriction constrains up to 30 kcal in peripheral tissues.[157]

Because postoperative thermoregulatory vasoconstriction decreases peripheral-to-core transfer of heat, applied warming is most effective during surgery when patients are vasodilated. From a practical point of view, this means that it is easier to maintain intraoperative normothermia (when most patients are vasodilated) than to rewarm them postoperatively (when virtually all hypothermic patients

Figure 40-17 Intraoperative and postoperative core temperatures in patients assigned to general anesthesia (n = 20) and spinal anesthesia (n = 20). All patients were warmed with forced air during the postoperative period. Core temperature did not differ significantly during surgery, but it increased significantly faster postoperatively in patients given spinal anesthesia (1.2 ± 0.1°C/hr versus 0.7 ± 0.2°C/hr, means ± SD). (Redrawn from Szmuk P, Ezri T, Sessler DI, et al: Spinal anesthesia only minimally increases the efficacy of postoperative forced-air rewarming. Anesthesiology 87:1050–1054, 1997.)

are vasoconstricted). In addition to being more effective, intraoperative warming is more appropriate than postoperative treatment of hypothermia because it prevents the complications resulting from hypothermia.[106] [117] [122] Patients unavoidably becoming hypothermic during surgery should nonetheless be actively heated postoperatively to increase thermal comfort, decrease shivering, and hasten rewarming.

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