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Cerebral Oximetry

Adaptation of the technology used for pulse oximetry and intravascular oximetry has been used to develop a monitor that can measure the oxygen saturation in the vascular bed (primarily venous component) of the cerebral cortex.[246] The rationale for monitoring this information is that as CBF falls, oxygen saturation decreases because of increased extraction by tissue. Proponents of this device, supported by some laboratory data, claim that cerebral oximetry can detect inadequate CBF before the more established and accepted EEG.[247] This finding is expected, because brain is able to increase oxygen extraction in the face of decreased flow and maintain function until the flow falls below a level at which increased extraction cannot compensate. Cerebral oximetry should therefore be a sensitive and specific indicator of the adequacy of regional blood flow in the tissue beneath the sensor.

Cerebral oximetry has been used with various degrees of success to monitor the adequacy of cerebral perfusion in head trauma patients,[248] [249] [250] [251] [252] during carotid vascular surgery,[253] [254] [255] and during CPB.[256] [257] [258] [259] [260] The monitoring device is easy to use and requires only the application of a probe similar to a pulse oximetry probe to the forehead (two for bilateral monitoring). This simplicity also gives rise to one of the limitations of this device. Frontal application of sensors allows monitoring only of a small portion of the cortex, and the well-being of the remainder of the cortex is inferred by the information derived from the frontopolar cerebral cortex. This assumption is frequently inaccurate. Vascular insufficiency in the distribution of the middle cerebral or posterior cerebral arteries cannot be detected with frontal sensors.

Samra and colleagues evaluated cerebral oximetry during 94 carotid endarterectomies in awake patients.[253] They found that the cerebral oximetry was able to identify 97.4% of patients with adequate CBF as indicated by the absence of clinical symptoms. However, the investigators found that there was a false-positive rate of 66.7%. The monitor frequently indicated inadequate CBF although the patient had no symptoms of inadequate CBF. This finding should not be surprising because oxygen extraction increases before any loss of function. The real problem is that the lower limit for acceptable regional oxygen saturation is not known in a large population of patients. This value may be different from patient to patient, and addition of anesthetic drugs that influence cerebral metabolism may further confuse the picture.

There has been much concern regarding the exact source of the signal monitored by cerebral oximetry.[261] [262] Contamination of the oximetry signal by extracranial blood sources may be a source of serious error for this device. Adjustment of the algorithm is reported to have largely eliminated this problem,[263] but other serious concerns remain. No normative data exist across a large patient population for normal values or for expected changes during surgery. Trend patterns are emerging from various clinical reports and trials, but large-population data do not exist. The meaning of isolated values is even less clear. Technology associated with this monitoring is developing very fast, and cerebral oximetry will probably find a place in the clinical care of patients after more data become available and further technologic advances occur.

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