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Physiologic Factors Influencing Sensory Evoked Responses

A number of physiologic variables, including systemic blood pressure, temperature (local and systemic), and blood gas tensions, can influence SEP recordings. With decreases in mean arterial blood pressure to below levels of cerebral autoregulation due to blood loss or vasoactive agents, progressive changes in SERs have been observed. The SSEP changes observed are progressive decreases in amplitude until loss of the waveform with no changes in latency.[154] [155] BAEPs are relatively resistant to even profound levels of hypotension (i.e., mean arterial pressure of 20 mm Hg in dogs).[154] Cortical (synaptic) function necessary to produce cortical SERs appears to be more sensitive to hypoperfusion than spinal cord or brainstem nonsynaptic transmission.[155] Rapid decreases in blood pressure to levels above the lower limit of autoregulation have also been associated with transient SSEP changes of decreased amplitude that resolve after several minutes of continued hypotension at the same level.[156] Reversible SSEP changes at systemic pressures within the normal range have been observed in patients undergoing spinal distraction during scoliosis surgery. These changes resolved with increases of systemic blood pressure to slightly above the patient's normal pressure, suggesting that the combination of surgical manipulation with levels of hypotension generally considered "safe" could result in spinal cord ischemia.[157]

Changes in temperature also affect SERs. Hypothermia causes increases in latency and decreases in amplitude of cortical and subcortical SERs after all types of stimulation.[158] [159] [160] Hyperthermia also alters SERs, with increases in temperature leading to decreases in the amplitude of SSEPs and loss of SSEPs at 42°C during induced hyperthermia.[161]

Changes in arterial blood gas tensions can alter SERs, probably in relation to changes in blood flow or oxygen delivery to neural structures.[162] [163] Hypoxia produces SSEP changes (i.e., decreased amplitude) similar to those seen with ischemia.[163] Decreased oxygen delivery associated with anemia during isovolemic hemodilution results in progressive increases in the latencies of SSEPs and VEPs, which become significant at hematocrits below 15%. Changes in amplitude were variable until very low hematocrits (≅7%) were reached, at which point the amplitude of all waveforms decreased.[164]

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