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Means for direct, on-line evaluation of renal function are limited. We can monitor indirectly, however, the several factors that may contribute to the failure of compensatory

mechanisms supporting renal function perioperatively. Among obstructive causes that may initiate ARF, an occluded or kinked urinary catheter can cause perioperative oliguria and must be eliminated as a source of obstruction. Toxic causes precipitated by antibiotics (e.g., aminoglycosides, amphotericin B) and radiocontrast agents also may be responsible for the development of ARF. For example, with aminoglycosides, nephrotoxicity is poorly correlated with kidney tissue or plasma levels of the drug but is markedly augmented by concomitant volume depletion or liver cirrhosis.[15] Similarly, ARF loosely correlates with the amount of radiocontrast material injected unless the patient has preexisting diabetic nephropathy or low cardiac output syndrome. The vigilance of the anesthesiologist is the first monitor required for preserving renal function.

Unlike the nephrologist, who can evaluate a patient's renal function under stable conditions over long periods, an anesthesiologist caring for hemodynamically unstable patients in the operating room is unable to use standard tests of renal function, such as creatinine clearance. To maintain the normal excretory functions of the kidney (i.e., filtration, reabsorption, and secretion), adequate perfusion is essential. The anesthesiologist often relies on indirect variables, such as urine volume, to assess renal perfusion. Unfortunately, urine output may not reliably reflect glomerular filtration and renal function under intraoperative conditions. Although not practical, monitoring renal perfusion directly would be ideal. Instead, we use monitors to ensure adequate intravascular volume (i.e., preload) and adequate cardiac performance or systemic perfusion as an indirect means to maintain normal renal function conditions. Serum chemistries and urinary indices may enable the assessment of adequate distribution of cardiac output to the kidneys themselves. Ultimately, however, only direct assessment of renal blood flow (and its regional distribution) can tell us whether a kidney is adequately perfused. Evidence of local renal tissue metabolism ensures that oxygen use is adequate. The combination of blood flow (i.e., oxygen delivery) and oxygen use should reflect normal function ( Table 37-3 ).

Intravascular Volume

Central Venous Pressure versus Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure

Monitoring techniques to ensure adequate intravascular volume should be selected after consideration of the physiologic condition of the patient in each situation
TABLE 37-3 -- Direct and indirect monitors of renal function
Ventricular function
Distribution of cardiac output to the kidneys
Intrarenal blood flow distribution
Regional renal utilization of substrate and oxygen delivery

(see Chapter 32 ). Epidemiologic studies have shown that renal failure commonly develops when dehydration acts in synergy with other chronic conditions. Diabetes mellitus and volume depletion together, for example, increase the chance of developing ARF by 100-fold.[15] Monitoring central venous pressure to assess adequate preload is contingent on normal left and right ventricular function, normal pulmonary vascular resistance, and normal mitral, pulmonary, and tricuspid valve function. Monitoring pulmonary artery pressure or pulmonary capillary wedge pressure to assess preload assumes normal left ventricular compliance, normal mitral valve function, and normal airway pressure.

Left Atrial Pressure

Directly measuring left atrial pressure may offer insights into the kidney pressure-flow relationship because left atrial hypotension has been shown to be a pwerful stimulus for renal vasoconstriction.[85] Despite similar reductions in cardiac output and arterial blood pressure, renal blood flow appears to decrease much less during experimental conditions of cardiogenic shock, in which left atrial pressures are increased, compared with conditions of hemorrhagic shock, in which left atrial pressures are decreased.[85] It is postulated that when a decrease in cardiac output is accompanied by left atrial hypotension, reduction in systemic arterial pressure is followed by the normal response of renal vasoconstriction. The left atrial receptors are connected to the renal circulation by atrial natriuretic peptide, a hormone secreted by the cardiac atria in response to intravascular volume expansion.[86] Atrial natriuretic hormone acts on the arterial and venous systems, the adrenals, and the kidneys to reduce intravascular volume and decrease blood pressure.[34] Within the kidney, the hormone increases hydraulic pressure in the glomerular capillaries through afferent arteriolar dilation and efferent arteriolar vasoconstriction. Atrial natriuretic peptide reduces blood pressure by relaxing smooth muscle and reducing sympathetic vascular stimulation. It also inhibits renin and aldosterone secretion, producing renal vasodilation, natriuresis, and diuresis.[34]

Left Ventricular End-Diastolic Area

Although the most direct way to clinically monitor for adequate intravascular volume or preload may be during surgery by assessment of the left ventricular end-diastolic area with echocardiography,[87] [88] the most practical method is by obtaining preoperative history and physical examination and by maintaining changes in systemic blood pressure to changing conditions. An awake patient may be observed for orthostatic changes in blood pressure, whereas an anesthetized patient may be observed for paradoxical arterial pulse changes with positive-pressure inspiration.[89] The clinician must decide which modality can most accurately reflect intravascular volume for a patient in a particular situation.

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