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Arterial oxygenation as an indicator of respiratory function may be controversial, because an acceptable arterial O2 content may not necessarily be associated with adequate tissue oxygenation because of abnormalities of blood flow. A more appropriate monitor of O2 delivery would measure tissue oxygenation. Tissue PO2 electrodes have been designed and implemented but have associated problems of sampling bias and tissue destruction. Because of heterogeneity of local tissue blood flow and O2 consumption, there exists a distribution of tissue PO2 values rather than a single value as in blood PO2 . Nevertheless, changes in tissue oxygenation have been demonstrated under various clinical conditions.[153]

Another approach is the noninvasive monitoring of O2 saturation of blood within the tissue. This can be accomplished by transilluminating the tissue with at least two appropriately chosen wavelengths of light.[154] Light within the near-infrared band (650 to 1100 nm) can penetrate tissue reasonably well. Incident light is applied to the scalp, where it enters the tissue; a small proportion is scattered by the tissue and returned to the analyzer through a fiberoptic bundle. Instruments capable of monitoring

blood O2 saturation in vivo within brain tissue have been commercially available for some years. Measured saturation within the illuminated volume includes arterial, capillary, and venous blood but is heavily weighted toward venous values, [155] which reflect the adequacy of tissue oxygenation under normal circumstances.[156]

Reduction of O2 to water occurs at the terminal end of the cytochrome chain, and monitoring of the cytochrome redox state is therefore more likely to provide a better estimate of O2 availability at the cellular level than current clinical monitoring parameters. By using a similar technique with four wavelengths, it is possible to obtain information about the state of oxygenation of intracellular chromophores, including myoglobin and cytochrome a, a3 .[157] [158] This technology has been used to monitor intracellular changes in muscle and brain due to respiratory acidosis in anesthetized cats,[155] in canine hearts during and after coronary occlusion,[159] in human forearm ischemia,[160] and in human brain during hypoxia[161] or cardiopulmonary bypass.[162]

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