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Myocardial Ischemia

One method of detecting intraoperative myocardial ischemia is automated ST-segment monitoring.[107] Several computer programs for online detection of ischemia and analysis of ST segments are available commercially. Each manufacturer uses different analysis techniques, and not all the algorithms are in the public domain. In one system (Marquette Electronics), an ST learning phase begins by looking at the first 16 beats in all leads for the dominant normal or paced shape. The shapes are correlated using a selected number of points on each of the active valid lead waveforms. An algorithm looks for leads in the fail or artifact mode to determine the number of valid leads used in the analysis. The algorithm also makes all leads positive to enable totaling the sum of the points on

Figure 34-28 Computerized template of the underlying normal QRS complex (X) and an ectopic complex called a test beat (Y). Beat Y is matched to beat X by the computer during the region of comparison by cross-correlation algorithms. (Adapted from Morganroth J: Ambulatory Holter electrocardiography: Choice of technique and clinical uses. Ann Intern Med 102:73, 1985.)

the valid leads. This sum is used in determining a peak or fiducial point. The fiducial point is used as a point of reference on the QRS. A template is formed from selected points around the fiducial point for each electrocardiographic lead. As each beat is analyzed, its template is compared with templates of previous beats. If the templates correlate within 75% of a previously stored shape, it is deemed a match and is classified as an existing shape. If there is no match, it becomes a new shape. On the 17th beat, the dominant normal QRS shape or paced shape is determined. The algorithm then searches for an additional 16 beats that correlate with the dominant template. With the 18th beat, a process called incremental averaging is initiated. The incremental averaging is a method of tracking positive or negative changes occurring on the waveform. These changes are tracked for each of the valid leads. The changes may be physiologic, such as ST-segment changes resulting from ischemia or related to artifact caused by high-frequency noise. The tracking of the changes is achieved by only allowing a 0.1-mm adjustment, positive or negative, from the prior shape of each beat. On the 32nd beat, the product of the incrementally averaged templates becomes the learned ST templates. Until ST is relearned, all changes in the QRS shape are tracked against this learned template. The isoelectric point and ST points are determined during the learning phase and are based on the width of the QRS shape. The isoelectric point is placed 40 msec before the onset of the QRS, and the ST point is placed 60 msec past the offset of the QRS measurement. The isoelectric point provides the point of reference for
determining the ST-segment measurement. The technique of incremental averaging is well suited to a continuous input with slow changes. However, it links the speed at which changes occur in the template to the heart rate.[108]

This system was evaluated in the intraoperative setting in patients undergoing cardiac surgery.[109] The device monitored three selected leads and displayed the absolute values of the ST segment as a line. Upward deflection of the trend line indicated worsening ischemia, whereas a downward trend reflected a return of the ST segment toward the isoelectric line. It was concluded that once the device was clinically accepted, the awareness for ischemic changes was heightened among the participating anesthesiologists and therapeutic interventions were more rapidly instituted, possibly leading to improved outcome.

A second ST-segment analysis system (Hewlett Packard) differs from the foregoing in several ways. A period of 15 seconds is analyzed first, and the ST displacement is determined on the basis of five "good" beats. These displacements are ranked, and the median value is determined. This technique eliminates the influence of occasional VPBs and ensures that a representative beat is selected. The objective of this procedure is to obtain a representative beat, rather than an average template. The measurement point for the ST segment can be selected as the R wave + 108 msec (default) or the J point + 60 or 80 msec. ST values and representative complexes are stored at 1-minute resolution for the most recent 30-minute trend and at 5-minute resolution for the preceding 7.5-hour trend.

In a third system (Spacelabs), a composite ST-segment waveform is developed every 30 seconds and is compared with a reference tracing acquired during an initial learning period. The isoelectric and ST-segment points can be manually adjusted to any location on the electrocardiographic tracing, or they may be automatically set to predetermined values. Using selective ST-segment displacement on seven different types of digitally simulated ECGs, London and Ahlstrom[110] bench-tested a version of a Spacelabs automated ST-analysis device, the PC2 Bedside Monitor. The device performed very well with five of the simulated ECGs, but it had some difficulty with two because of improper placement of the isoelectric point. Visual confirmation of ST-segment analyzer results was therefore advised.

The relative merits and shortcomings of the different ST-segment analysis systems in the clinical setting have not been fully elucidated. The ability of two automated ST-segment analysis systems to detect myocardial ischemia during noncardiac surgery was compared with 8-lead printed ECG and transesophageal echocardiography as reference standards.[111] In this study of 44 patients, the automated ST-analysis systems showed only fair agreement with transesophageal echocardiography or ECG in detecting ischemia. A different, brief, cautionary report mentions a case in which automated ST-segment monitoring falsely signaled the presence of intraoperative ischemia.[112]

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