Figure 42-9
The laryngeal mask airway is available in seven sizes
(upper left to lower right): size 1, neonates or
infants up to 5 kg (4 mL); size 1.5, infants 5 to 10 kg (7 mL); size 2, infants or
children 10 to 20 kg (10 mL); size 2.5, children 20 to 30 kg (14 mL); size 3, children
or small adults weighing more than 30 kg (20 mL); size 4, normal and large adults
(30 mL); size 5, large adults (40 mL). Maximum cuff inflation volumes in milliliters
are given in parentheses for each size of LMA. (Courtesy of LMA North America,
Inc., San Diego, CA.)