Figure 39-13
Evoked electromyographic printout from a Relaxograph.
Initially, single-twitch stimulation was given at 0.1 Hz, and vecuronium (70 µg/kg)
was given intravenously for tracheal intubation. After approximately 5 minutes,
the mode of stimulation was changed to TOF stimulation every 60 seconds. At a twitch
height (first twitch in TOF response) of approximately 30% of control (marker 1),
1 mg of vecuronium was given intravenously. At marker 2, 1 mg of neostigmine was
given intravenously, preceded by 2 mg of glycopyrrolate. The printout also illustrates
the common problem of failure of the electromyographic response to return to control
level. (Courtesy of Datex-Ohmeda, Helsinki, Finland.)