Figure 31-18 A, Relationship between the plasma concentration of alfentanil and response/no response at three specific events of short duration. The quantal data are characterized by logistic regression in the lower panel, ±SE for the Cp50 , which is the alfentanil plasma concentration associated with a 50% probability of no response. (From Ausems ME, Hug CC Jr, Stanski DR, et al: Plasma concentrations of alfentanil required to supplement nitrous oxide anesthesia for general surgery. Anesthesiology 65:362, 1986.) B, Plasma concentration of alfentanil versus the probability of no response for each of 34 patients during the intra-abdominal phase of lower abdominal surgery. Dots represent the Cp50 values, and the heavy dark line represents the average response of the 34 patients. (From Ausems ME, Vuyk J, Hug CC Jr, et al: Comparison of computer-assisted infusion versus intermittent bolus administration of alfentanil as a supplement to nitrous oxide for lower abdominal surgery. Anesthesiology 68:851, 1988.)

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