Figure 11-27
Mean alfentanil plasma concentration-effect curves for
the intraoperative period in each surgical group of patients, intubation, skin incision,
and skin closure (with nitrous oxide), and the relationship between the alfentanil
plasma concentration (without nitrous oxide) and the probability of needing naloxone
to restore adequate spontaneous ventilation. The Cp50
and slope of these
curves were determined by averaging the estimates of individual patients. Bars indicate
standard deviation of Cp50
. Cp50
, the concentration needed
to obtund responses to stimuli adequately in 50% of patients. (From Ausems
ME, Hug CC Jr, Stanski DR, Burm AG: Plasma concentrations of alfentanil required
to supplement nitrous oxide anesthesia for general surgery. Anesthesiology 65:362–367,