Figure 9-11
In the Ohmeda Link-25 Proportion-Limiting Control System,
the nitrous oxide and oxygen flow control valves are identical. A 14-tooth sprocket
is attached to the nitrous oxide flow control valve, and a 28-tooth sprocket is attached
to the oxygen flow control valve. A chain links the sprockets. The combination
of the mechanical and pneumatic aspects of the system yields the final oxygen concentration.
The Datex-Ohmeda Link-25 proportioning system can be thought of as a system that
increases oxygen flow when necessary to prevent delivery of a fresh gas mixture with
an oxygen concentration of less than 25%. (Adapted from Andrews JJ, Brockwell
RC: Delivery systems for inhaled anesthetics. In
Barash PG, Cullen BF, Stoelting RK [eds]: Clinical Anesthesia, 4th ed. New York,
Lippincott-Raven, 2000, pp 567–594.)