Figure 7-23
Effects of desflurane (red squares)
and isoflurane (black squares) on sympathetic nerve
activity (top), heart rate (middle),
and mean arterial pressure (bottom) in healthy volunteers.
Desflurane or isoflurane administration began 2 minutes after anesthetic induction
with sodium thiopental (STP). Sympathetic nerve excitation, tachycardia, and hypertension
were observed in subjects receiving desflurane. *, Different (P
< .05) group response; †, desflurane response different (P
< .05) from STP value; ¥, isoflurane response different (P
< .05) from STP value. (Adapted from Ebert TJ, Muzi M: Sympathetic hyperactivity
during desflurane anesthesia in healthy volunteers: A comparison with isoflurane.
Anesthesiology 79:444–453, 1993.)