Figure 85-1 Diagrammatic representation of the educational experience. The two major components are the plan for teaching and the process of education that actually occurs. At the core is the content (cognitive, psychomotor, and/or affective) to be taught and learned. Growing out of the content are the planned goals of education, the methods and the program of instruction, and the environment in which the teaching and learning will occur. In the diagram, each building block of the plan is added to the previous one in an all-encompassing fashion. What is planned as education and what is experienced may or may not be the same. As represented by the diagram, the educational process that actually occurs includes all of the plan and layers on it, both the real environment and the teacher/student interactions that provide the education, that is, the experiences that provide the basis for the ultimate change in student behavior. (Modified from Atkins E: Curriculum Theorizing as a Scientific Pursuit: A Framework for Analysis [unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Pennsylvania, 1982.)

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