Figure 70-9 Clinical hyperbaric O2 treatment schedules. A, The patient breathes 100% O2 for 2 hours at an ambient pressure of 2 ATA. Generally, this schedule is used for repetitive treatment of chronic conditions (e.g., osteoradionecrosis). B, Therapeutic schedule for the treatment of clostridial myonecrosis. The patient spends 85 minutes at an ambient pressure of 3.06 ATA and breathes 100% O2 , with the exception of two 5-minute air breaks to minimize pulmonary and central nervous system O2 toxicity. A decompression stop is made at 1.3 ATA, according to the U.S. Navy standard air decompression table. This decompression stop is designed to prevent decompression sickness in the tenders, who breathe air throughout the period at 3.06 ATA.

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