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Valvular Heart Disease

Valvular abnormalities detected with TEE have important implications. In one study, intraoperative TEE detected mitral regurgitation so severe in 5 of 182 patients scheduled for coronary artery surgery that unscheduled mitral valve repair was performed.[97] Conversely, in 22 of 51 patients scheduled for combined coronary artery and mitral valve surgery, TEE revealed so little mitral valve dysfunction that the mitral repair was omitted. In another study, 6 of 383 patients undergoing aortic valve replacement had unscheduled mitral valve surgery based on the intraoperative diagnosis of severe mitral regurgitation by TEE.[98] In this same patient group, 25 scheduled mitral valve surgeries were omitted because of findings on intraoperative TEE. In a third study that prospectively evaluated 5016 patients, pre-bypass information from TEE led to modification of the surgical procedure in 12% of the patients undergoing valve procedures and 27% of the patients undergoing coronary surgery.[99] TEE is essential when mitral valve repair is anticipated. It provides a highly accurate anatomic assessment of the mitral valve and is strongly and independently predictive of valve reparability and postoperative outcome.[35] [100] [101]

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