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Hemodynamic Instability

When a sudden, severe change in hemodynamics occurs, qualitative estimates of LV filling and ejection serve as a practical guide for the administration of fluids and inotropes. With some ultrasonographs, computer technology converts the echocardiographic images from one cardiac cycle into digital code and then plays this cycle repetitively to allow side-by-side comparison with other cardiac cycles captured at other times during surgery. With this technology, an experienced observer can consistently detect decreases in preload before they result in greater than a 10% decrease in blood pressure.[57] This technology also facilitates qualitative assessment of changes in LV ejection and prompt differential diagnosis of the etiology of hypotension. For example, severe hypovolemia is easily recognized as a marked decrease in LV end-diastolic area with a marked increase in LV FAC, and LV failure is easily recognized as a marked increase in LV end-diastolic area with a marked decrease in LV FAC. During hypotension, arterial vasodilatation, aortic regurgitation, mitral regurgitation, and ventricular septal defects can manifest the same LV filling and ejection pattern at the TG mid SAX cross section: adequate LV end-diastolic filling area with an increased LV ejection fraction. Fortunately, distinguishing these etiologies of hypotension is not difficult with the use of other cross sections and color. Table 33-4 summarizes the most common causes of hypotension and their echocardiographic characteristics at the TG mid SAX cross section.

TABLE 33-4 -- Origin of hypotension *
EDA EF Cause
↓↓ >0.8 Hypovolemia
↑↑ <0.2 LV failure
Normal >0.5 Low SVR or severe MR, AR, or VSD
AR, aortic regurgitation; EDA, end-diastolic cross-sectional area; EF, ejection fraction; LV, left ventricular; MR, mitral regurgitation; SVR, systemic vascular resistance; VSD, ventricular septal defect.
From Cahalan MK: Intraoperative Transesophageal Echocardiography: An Interactive Text and Atlas. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1996.
*Obviously, other problems can cause hypotension, but the ones listed here include the most common occurring in the operating room. Two important caveats need to be mentioned. First, low systemic vascular resistance and hypovolemia sometimes occur simultaneously (for instance, in sepsis), and until hypovolemia is treated, low systemic vascular resistance will not be apparent. Second, one cannot assume that just because the papillary muscles meet during systole (i.e., LV cavity obliteration), the patient is hypovolemic. This finding can occur in the setting of either low systemic vascular resistance or hypovolemia. To make this differential diagnosis correctly, one must determine whether diastolic filling is adequate.

Prospective studies have established the value of this TEE application, sometimes called "rescue TEE."[58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] For example, in 60 consecutive patients with severe, persistent hypotension after cardiac surgery, TEE corrected the presumed diagnosis in almost half of these patients.[59] In two patients, TEE prompted emergency surgery, and in five others it prevented unnecessary reoperations. In another study, unstable cardiac surgical patients in the operating room (n = 57) or intensive care unit (n = 83) underwent emergency TEE.[59] Based on the TEE findings alone, 22 of these patients had urgent surgical interventions. The average time to diagnosis was 11 minutes. In critically ill surgical patients, TEE is more cost-effective than transthoracic echocardiography because the latter so often fails to reveal diagnostic images.[60] Even in the setting of prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation, TEE may reveal crucial diagnostic information.[61]

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