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Ultrasound Principles

Sound waves are mechanical vibrations that create refraction and compression of the medium through which they travel. Humans can hear sound waves with frequencies ranging from 20 cycles/sec (Hz) to 20 kHz. Beyond this range is ultrasound. Echocardiography uses ultrasound waves with frequencies of 2.5 to 7.5 million cycles/sec (MHz). Frequencies greater than 7.5 MHz are not routinely used in echocardiography because they produce wavelengths too short for adequate penetration into tissues (penetration is limited to about 200 to 400 times the wavelength). Frequencies less than 2.5 MHz are not routinely used because they produce wavelengths too long for resolution of small objects (resolution is limited to about twice the wavelength). The interrelationship of wavelength and frequency is described by the following equation:

C = λ · F

where C = velocity of sound in tissue (1540 m/sec), F = frequency (Hz), and λ = wavelength (m). Because the velocity of sound is assumed to be constant, the wavelength of any frequency can be calculated as

λ (m) = 1540 (m/sec)/F (Hz)

, or

λ (mm) = 1,540,000 (mm/sec)/F (Hz)


λ (mm) = 1.54/F (MHz)

Thus, ultrasound waves in the range of 2.5 to 7.5 MHz produce wavelengths of 0.2 to 0.6 mm, resolve objects 0.4 to 1.2 mm in size, and penetrate tissues up to 24 cm.

Ultrasound waves are generated by piezoelectric crystals that emit ultrasound when electricity is applied to them and emit electricity when struck by ultrasound. Thus, the same crystals can serve as emitters and receivers of ultrasound. Typically in echocardiography, the crystals emit very short pulses of ultrasound (approximately 1 µsec) and receive or "listen" for the reflected ultrasound for 250 to 500 µsec. When the emitted waves strike an interface of tissues of differing density, such as the pericardium and the heart, a portion of the ultrasound is reflected. The portion reflected depends on the difference in tissue density; that is, the greater the difference, the greater the portion reflected. For example, air in the left ventricle reflects a much greater portion of the transmitted ultrasound than blood does and is translated as a brighter signal on the display screen. Tissue is localized according to the time that it takes a sound wave to bounce back to the transducer; that is, the longer a sound wave takes to bounce back, the greater its distance from the transducer. For example, if it takes 26 µsec for the wave to return to the transducer, the ultrasonograph (often called an "echo machine") displays a structure that is 1 cm from the transducer. No ionizing radiation of any type is used in echocardiography, and no adverse effects of ultrasound have been demonstrated in humans.


TABLE 33-1 -- Indications for perioperative transesophageal echocardiography
Category I indications: Supported by the strongest evidence or expert opinion; TEE is frequently useful in improving clinical outcomes in the following settings and is often indicated, depending on individual circumstances:
Intraoperative evaluation of acute, persistent, and life-threatening hemodynamic disturbances in which ventricular function and its determinants are uncertain and have not responded to treatment
Intraoperative use in valve repair
Intraoperative use in congenital heart surgery for most lesions requiring cardiopulmonary bypass
Intraoperative use in repair of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
Intraoperative use for endocarditis when preoperative testing was inadequate or extension of infection to perivalvular tissue is suspected
Preoperative use in unstable patients with suspected thoracic aortic aneurysms, dissection, or disruption who need to be evaluated quickly
Intraoperative assessment of aortic valve function in repair of aortic dissections with possible aortic valve involvement
Intraoperative evaluation of pericardial window procedures
Use in the intensive care unit for unstable patients with unexplained hemodynamic disturbances, suspected valve disease, or thromboembolic problems (if other tests or monitoring techniques have not confirmed the diagnosis or patients are too unstable to undergo other tests)
Category II indications: Supported by weaker evidence and expert consensus; TEE may be useful in improving clinical outcomes in the following settings, depending on individual circumstances, but appropriate indications are less certain:
Perioperative use in patients with an increased risk of myocardial ischemia or infarction
Perioperative use in patients with an increased risk of hemodynamic disturbances
Intraoperative assessment of valve replacement
Intraoperative assessment of repair of cardiac aneurysms
Intraoperative evaluation of removal of cardiac tumors
Intraoperative detection of foreign bodies
Intraoperative detection of air emboli during cardiotomy, heart transplant operations, and upright neurosurgical procedures
Intraoperative use during intracardiac thrombectomy
Intraoperative use during pulmonary embolectomy
Intraoperative use for suspected cardiac trauma
Preoperative assessment of patients with suspected acute thoracic aortic dissections, aneurysms, or disruption
Intraoperative use during repair of thoracic aortic dissections without suspected aortic valve involvement
Intraoperative detection of aortic atheromatous disease or other sources of aortic emboli
Intraoperative evaluation of pericardiectomy, pericardial effusions, or pericardial surgery
Intraoperative evaluation of anastomotic sites during heart and/or lung transplantation
Monitoring placement and function of assist devices
Category III indications: Little current scientific or expert support; TEE is infrequently useful in improving clinical outcomes in the following settings, and appropriate indications are uncertain:
Intraoperative evaluation of myocardial perfusion, coronary artery anatomy, or graft patency
Intraoperative use during repair of cardiomyopathies other than hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
Intraoperative use for uncomplicated endocarditis during noncardiac surgery
Intraoperative monitoring for emboli during orthopedic procedures
Intraoperative assessment of repair of thoracic aortic injuries
Intraoperative use for uncomplicated pericarditis
Intraoperative evaluation of pleuropulmonary diseases
Monitoring placement of intra-aortic balloon pumps, automatic implantable cardiac defibrillators, or pulmonary artery catheters
Intraoperative monitoring of cardioplegia administration
Adapted from Practice guidelines for perioperative transesophageal echocardiography. A report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists and the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists Task Force on Transesophageal Echocardiography. Anesthesiology 84:986–1006, 1996.

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