Continuous Thermodilution Cardiac Output Monitoring
Newer technologies applied to PAC monitoring allow nearly continuous
CCO monitoring with the use of either warm[664]
or cold[672]
thermal indicators. The warm thermal technique is the one now widely accepted in
clinical practice. In brief, this method involves the release of small quantities
of heat from a 10-cm thermal filament incorporated into the right ventricular portion
of a PAC approximately 15 to 25 cm from the catheter tip.[667]
Commercially available CCO monitors use proprietary
stochastic identification algorithms to analyze the thermal signal measured by the
thermistor at the tip of the catheter. The heating filament is cycled on and off
in a pseudorandom binary sequence, and cardiac output is derived from cross-correlation
of the measured pulmonary artery temperature and the known sequence of heating filament
activation. A basic assumption inherent in this technique is that the cardiac output
remains constant during the interval analyzed for measurement.[674]
Typically, the displayed value for cardiac output is updated every
30 to 60 seconds and represents the average value for the cardiac output measured
over the previous 3 to 6 minutes.[675]
In a laboratory
investigation examining how CCO measurements respond to unstable hemodynamic conditions
such as hemorrhage and fluid resuscitation, Siegel and colleagues showed that CCO
changes were markedly slower than those detected by ultrasonic flow probe, blood
pressure, or mixed venous oxygen saturation.[674]
In view of these inherent time delays, current warm thermal PAC CCO methods should
not be considered continuous, real-time monitors, but rather techniques that provide
continual, frequently updated cardiac output values.
In general, CCO methods appear to have good agreement with standard
bolus thermodilution cardiac output measurements or electromagnetic flow probe techniques.
In a small, multicenter study, Mihm and associates found that CCO provided a clinically
reliable measurement in a group of 47 intensive care unit patients.[665]
The device performed well in patients with a wide range of cardiac outputs (1.6
to 10.6 L/min) and core temperatures (33.2°C to 39.8°C), and the method showed
no deterioration in performance over the 72-hour monitoring period. In general,
PAC-based CCO monitoring appears to be more reproducible or precise than standard
bolus thermodilution techniques, although this may simply be a function of the fact
that the continuous methods display a time-weighted, average cardiac output value
as opposed to a single instantaneous measurement.[664]
Warm thermal CCO PACs have been fairly rapidly and widely accepted
into clinical practice for a number of practical reasons. Although these catheters
are more expensive than standard PACs, bolus injections for measurement of cardiac
output are obviated, thereby potentially reducing nursing efforts and the risk of
fluid overload or infection. However, like cold bolus thermodilution techniques,
thermal CCO has certain methodologic pitfalls that must be recognized and avoided.
As already emphasized, CCO monitors have an inherent 5- to 15-minute delay in responding
to abrupt changes in cardiac output, and the magnitude of this delay depends on the
type of physiologic perturbation, as well as the CCO computer monitor algorithm.
modifications of CCO algorithms have provided a "STAT Mode" rapid response time,
acute changes in cardiac output are still detected more slowly by CCO monitoring
than by other methods such as direct arterial pressure or mixed venous oximetry.
that CCO monitoring provides the best early warning of important circulatory changes
remain anecdotal at present.[671]
Because the CCO PAC measures a cardiac output value that is an
average derived over the previous several minutes, the beat-to-beat variations in
stroke volume that occur during a single respiratory cycle are all equally represented
in the derived average value for cardiac output. In contrast, bolus thermodilution
measurements will show quite different cardiac output values, depending on the phase
of respiration during which they are recorded (see earlier discussion). Thus, the
CCO-averaging algorithm obviates this physiologic effect that confounds bolus thermodilution
cardiac output techniques. As a result, cardiac output measured by the CCO method
may provide a more accurate measurement of average cardiac output for patients receiving
positive-pressure mechanical ventilation. Although electronic smoothing or filtering
is standard for all hemodynamic values displayed on the bedside monitor, such as
heart rate, blood pressure, and so forth, the delay inherent in warm thermal CCO
monitoring is much longer—minutes rather than seconds. In effect, the CCO
technique involves a fundamental tradeoff between rapid response time and overall
accuracy of measurement. The standards for these performance characteristics have
not been defined but must balance the response time against the stability of the
displayed value and its immunity from thermal noise.[678]
In summary, the CCO PAC monitoring technique is more reproducible
and precise than bolus thermodilution cardiac output measurement, but the time delays
inherent in the CCO technique require the clinician to rely on other monitored variables
to detect acute circulatory changes. Because an external system for cold fluid injection
is not required, the CCO technique requires less nursing time and may result in fewer
measurement errors, less risk of fluid overload, and less risk of infection. The
CCO computer and catheter require a significant amount of time to warm up and may
work poorly in an environment with a great deal of thermal noise or rapid hemodynamic
changes, such as the cardiac operating room.