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Miscellaneous Abnormalities

Disseminated intravascular coagulation is caused by the release of tissue thromboplastin during fever, acidosis, hypoxia, hypoperfusion, and gross alterations in membrane permeability.[46] Porcine MH erythrocytes show greater fragility and peroxidation.[74] Lymphocytes reflect MH mutations and constitute a means for MH testing.[75] [76] These findings directly support the alteration of porcine tissue other than skeletal muscle by MH.

Liver from normal swine transplanted into MH-susceptible swine remains normal, and liver from swine homozygous for MH that is transplanted into normal swine functions as normal.[77] Pulmonary changes during MH appear to be secondary to systemic manifestations. These include tachypnea, hyperventilation, V̇ and abnormalities, increased blood and expired carbon dioxide, decreased blood PO2 , and ultimately, pulmonary edema. The increase in whole-body carbon dioxide stores during MH is better reflected by measurements of expired carbon dioxide or venous carbon dioxide than arterial measurements. Renal function during active MH is altered indirectly; oliguria and anuria result from shock, ischemia, cardiac failure, myoglobinuria, and myoglobinemia.

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